
How I use Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to help you create the change you want:

An all encompassing approach to change

All encompassing means work with the conscious mind, being the visible tip of the iceberg, in combination with the subconscious (past conditioning) and unconscious mind (body)- both being the invisible, underneath part of the iceberg. The subconscious and unconscious work is done whilst the client is in the receptive hypnotic state, allowing the intellectual change to be EMBODIED and fully integrated, so the WHOLE self is updated. Hypnotherapy, in person or on-line hypnotherapy, translates into desired results in a way that feels natural and easy. To know is not enough, it has to be lived out into practice if new results are to be achieved. A harmonious and coherent mind is the answer to knowledge being acted upon!

As Nike says, ‘Just Do It!’. This is most quickly achieved through hypnosis or hypnotherapy!

The ideal is, ‘Now I know it AND can and will implement it!’

We are DUAL BEINGS - Intellect and Intuition (holistic therapist)

Our power as human BEINGS (not human DOINGS) is misunderstood and totally underrated due to a lack of understanding that we are ‘dual beings’. We have a two-part consciousness. Managing ‘self’ involves a relationship between our physical self; our personality (or ‘finite intelligence’) and our non-physical self; our soul (or ‘infinite intelligence’). This relationship is key to our individual creation of our results and our experience. The inclusion of this in my work as a manifestation coach and hypnotherapist is what makes me an holistic therapist.

Stated another way – mind, heart, body AND soul integrated living, enables us to create the life we seek to live, but this knowing is often unconscious. Hypnotherapy makes it possible to explore deeper levels of consciousness. My work as an holistic therapist involves being a coach between the soul and personality, that meet in transformational change, when hypnosis is included. This integration and co-operation of intellect and intuition enables change to be created according to the truth that is within ourselves. 

MANAGING this relationship between our physical self  (personality) and our non-physical self (soul) in our lives is the key to the INDIVIDUAL success and happiness we each seek!  As there isn’t one way to success, there is OUR OWN way to success. 

At Prue Bach Hypnotherapy, whether in person or via on-line hypnotherapy, it is a valuable tool to explore and form this personal journey to self actualization due to its valuable insights. This relationship to self is what personal power is and makes us self-empowered from the inside out. 

It can mean an ALL INCLUSIVE solution where your ‘problem is solved’ AND your lifestyle upgraded!

The five essential elements to both transformational and optimizational change are:

Your personality (thinking, feeling and acting), your soul and the universe and its laws!

This working model is what makes me a successful manifestation coach and holistic hypnotherapist which includes ‘Quantum Hypnosis’ as a tool.

When we HARMONIZE our personality with our soul, in accordance with universal law, we can experience a version of our self that is higher, better or best. This change involves the quantum model of physics where we influence our thoughts to become the things we desire – taking the unseen and making it seen! It includes using our imagination to CAUSE a result!

As Gandhi said, ‘BE the change you want to see!’.

Be it and then you will see it! Create from the non-physical and make it physical; from mind (consciousness) to matter! This concept is at the core of our ‘Quantum Hypnosis  work, without you having to understand it to enjoy it’s benefits (much like the use of electricity which we enjoy without necessarily understanding it).

As Einstein said:

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is the language of the soul. Pay attention to your imagination and you will discover all you need to be fulfilled.’

In your sessions with me:

Whether it is therapy you seek, better results or a change of habit, I can help you make the transition using hypnosis and hypnotherapy in combination with additional tools and knowledge.

Science has proven that it is the environment of our cells in our body that signals our genes (epigenetics) and thereby affects our health! The quality of this cellular environment is influenced by our attitude (our thoughts and feelings). In short, our biology is influenced by our belief or more specifically our state of being! Happy thoughts, happy body! So our thought power influences our health as well as our happiness.

Whether our focus is on something real or imagined, it influences us and our creations. In hypnotherapy with me, you learn how to master your internal ‘environment’ while in hypnosis and in your ‘awake’ state so it positively influences your well being and manifestations.

The more you invest of yourself in your process of change the better your results will be. Know that I will go all-in, and if you do too, we are both doing our part to create lasting desired change!

I am dedicated with a style that is ambitious, compassionate and interactive!

Our core work together is about ‘know thyself and be thyself true’ via self-regulation and hypnosis.

In conclusion, YOU are the product in your life producing your results. The better you understand yourself and the more you take control of your life, the better your life will be!

You will learn:

Our purpose for living is joy; to embrace joyful creating as well as delight in our joyful creations!

Our most beneficial state of being and frequency of vibration is, ‘happy in my now and eager for more!’

We are powerful creators in an unlimited universe where all things are possible.  In our knowing it and choosing it, it can become our reality. This is what ‘Quantum Hypnosis’ is. It is a tool that unites science and spirituality!

The best creation is CO-creation.

Read clients experiences of our sessions in their own words