Hypnosis for Stress, Illness and Pain

Hypnotherapy for minor depression, low self-esteem, stress and pain - consequences of a terrible childhood

Michael Nielsen, Dairy worker, 59 years old - Holstebro
4 sessions

Hi Prue

WOW, what an experience….

I did not in my wildest hope, expect that I could come so far….

I am forever grateful to you that for the first time in 59 years, I am the one who lives and controls my life….

Many, Many THANKS, for your TENACIOUS effort….

I sought help from Prue for stress, depression, low self-esteem and pain from a terrible childhood and the after effects of it.

After 59 years of struggling with vulnerability, I wanted to overcome this vulnerability.

I experienced physical and psychological violence from the time I was born.

The conversations before hypnosis were in-depth and fully professional (MUCH better than with a psychologist)

The hypnosis sessions were a challenge for Prue and for myself. I had an incorrect expectation of hypnosis which I thought was a deep trance. Not being able to visualize images on the internal screen gave me a frustration that Prue constantly had to guide me through.

Everything has changed for me. Now I have to teach myself, to live my life, the right way. The crowd of thoughts is gone. The eternal headache (full head) is gone. My low self-esteem is gone. The vulnerability is gone. I can feel my body now (where has it been?). My inner and outer self fit together now….

All challenges are solved and I feel finished.

I always had the feeling that Prue would be the solution to my CHALLENGES….

Great that Prue takes the time it takes…. I have ABSOLUTELY, maxed out ALL of my allotted time with you….

I have referred and will refer many to you. Far too many people have pain that they go to doctors and psychologists for years about, which you can solve in 1 month….

But the health system will never recognize your worth, as you are too efficient…

My own doctor wanted to send me to a psychologist. Hypnotist could not be recommended….

THANK YOU SO MUCH for you……….

Challenged physically without explanation or know why or how

Camilla Hansen

Hi Prue

Thanks for your mail.

I would really like to give you feedback. The progress with you has been absolutely fantastic. I have become aware of how much the little things also count.

When I get a little further along in my process I’ll get back to you.

I will at any time recommend you to others. You are so committed to your work that it is your lifestyle – I have no doubt about that and it benefits us clients/customers.

I’m listening to audio files, Dr. Joe and expanding my horizons and living out my inner lion, so I have no doubt that I will also find my right shelf.

Many greetings

Camilla Krogh Hansen

Hypnotherapy for a body, mind and heart that felt heavy

Anonymous self-employed woman, 44 years old
4 sessions

I came to Prue because I was at a place in my life where my body, mind and heart felt heavy. For many years I have tried a lot of treatment and done a lot to change my condition, always something that cost me extra effort, and without it really helping me in the long term.

After the first time with Prue, which was very intense and where I don’t really remember everything we talked about, but it was just, WOW.

Prue asked me questions that I had never reflected on and that I had to relate to and go into without really being able to answer clearly and distinctly, but the hypnosis itself gave me all the answers.

To this day, I don’t know exactly what happened, what I do know is that it worked, and so much “good” happened afterwards completely by itself, not something I had to fight with/for or spend effort on .

The subsequent times have been just as WOW an experience and I’ve felt light, free and ready for life every time I’ve driven from our sessions. I’ve been through some amazing months. It’s as if all the resistance in my body has let go of me, I feel everything is in flow in my life, on all parameters.

I have gained so much self-awareness, so much faith in my own abilities and so much peace in my life. I am in balance and I am happy, so happy, right down to the bones and I actually can’t remember the last time I felt that. My mind is light and my mindset has changed and things I fought for, for years, have landed right in front of me. Random you could say, but I know it’s because I now believe in myself. I still face challenges, but where before I would have come up with excuses for how miserable and hard it was for me, I now “face” them, shrug them off immediately and move on. There is just so much satisfaction in being able to do that!

Before, I needed to explain myself, my situation, etc. to everything and everyone. Now I honestly don’t care what others think of me, my situation, etc. I didn’t see that coming and what a bonus in life that is!

I now know that the treatment I had with Prue (4 times) was what I needed to live my full life and potential. I know that I will always be able to come “home to myself” again, via hypnotherapy, and that gives me such a fantastic sense of security that everyone should have.

I also know that everyone should have a Prue in their life, because exactly what she can do is completely unique, she is a skilled therapist and a good person.

I would recommend her to anyone who is “stuck” in life.

Going forward, I think it will be beneficial for me to pay Prue one or two visits a year just to be tuned in to what my life is about, namely me.

If you want change in your life and are willing to work on yourself, I would really recommend hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy for exam anxiety and effects of stress

Frederikke Juncher Høeg - Copenhagen

Multiple consultations over the years

Briefly about Prue




Constructive – good at identifying problems and coming up with examples that make it easier to visualize what needs to be worked on


Takes time

I have had the pleasure of being a client of Prue’s for a few years.

Prue is always open and quick to find an appointment when I have requested it, often at short notice. I was with Prue for the first time for hypnotherapy autumn/winter 2018/2019. Prue was looking for clients to take part in the final part of her training, where I was lucky enough to have my mum contact Prue on my behalf – at the time I didn’t even think I needed the help Prue could offer me.

I would describe myself as being very self-aware and goal-oriented, and good at articulating my feelings. Since I am studying a natural science education, with which both as a person and through my studies I am strongly influenced by the natural scientific way of thinking, I have not had much faith in hypnotherapy. That you can work with your subconscious in this way was a completely unknown world to me. That’s why I initially went into hypnotherapy with a bit of scepticism, but this was quickly laid to rest.

I was greeted by Prue; she is an enormously warm, embracing, present and welcoming person. She listens, is incredibly trustworthy, skilled and competent. She creates a safe environment and an atmosphere that creates the perfect setting for hypnosis.

My problem has been exam anxiety and thus a lack of confidence in my own abilities. I have used Prue on many occasions, at regular intervals, among other things leading up to major exams at my university, where I have needed to let go of the negative and unconstructive thoughts that pervaded. For me, the feelings and thoughts I experienced were all-consuming and destructive. I have experienced in the past that they have prevented me from performing professionally because my head had decided in advance that I could not figure it out. In exam situations, my body was restless, I was scared, sad and resigned. I was stressed and had countless sleepless nights with all kinds of worries flying around in my head.

Hypnotherapy with Prue is the most important and best “card to have at hand”. I always leave Prue with renewed energy, feel relieved, have gained new perspectives on things, new ways of thinking and looking at my situation, as well as something to work on at home. All after just one or very few sessions.

Prue is incredibly talented and has helped me move mountains and work on issues I never thought possible to work on. She is thorough and always takes her time, and is also efficient in her treatments.

Prue is constructive and good at explaining, she uses illustrations and pictures that make it easy for the client to understand and visualize new thoughts and patterns. I always feel in the best hands with Prue.

Prue is and has helped push me in a good direction, in ways I don’t always fully understand. I have gained insight into my problem, where my exam anxiety originated from. My experience was that it all fell into place in my head, like beads on a string, it all came together and suddenly it made sense. Since then, I have started to think much more positively, and experience almost no exam anxiety anymore. Instead, I go to the exam: with an open mind, calm and with confidence in my own abilities – something I never thought possible before. I always get confirmation of that, and more, when I’m with Prue.

I live in Copenhagen, but like to travel across the country to come to Prue.

It’s hard to describe the help Prue has given me so you can understand how amazing it is what Prue can do. She is and will be the best and most skilled hypnotherapist that I keep coming back to when I face challenges in my life.

Hypnotherapy for achieving peace from effects of past stress and relationships

Clara Torp, HR Manager, 34 years old
4 sessions

I wanted to find my self-irony, which I had lost during my period of stress. It also meant that I had to look at why I was so touchy and sensitive during ordinary conversation and comments.I wanted to find peace in my life and a natural approach to humor and conversation. I definitely did not want to be influenced by everyday colleagues and friends as negatively as I was experiencing.

I have felt like this for a long time, approx. 4-6 months.

Prue has been really good at finding my problem. She has looked at my past, present and desire for the future and based on her assessment she has used tools to explain how balance in my mind empowers me from ‘cat to lion’ frequency.I am very satisfied and impressed with Prue’s approach to the task of finding my “I” in all of my mess. I have had sessions that were hard but also really good, very enlightening and sessions that have moved me forward a lot. I have under all sessions had full confidence in Prue’s qualities as a hypnotist and person.

Mental symptoms

I have found a balance in my FM frequency (Lion), where today it is difficult to move to AM frequency (Cat). Mentally, I have become stable and can participate normally in conversations as I could before my stress.

Thought patterns

My thought pattern from before has evaporated, where I no longer post comments and conversations directly on myself as a person, which previously made me a cat on a’ AM frequency.’ Now I am free of feeling like conversation is directly aimed at me personally, so I can therefore avoid ‘any strange things’ in conversations without problems. I have got peace and balance in mind.

Behaviour patterns

I can laugh again in conversations and can see the fun in things that go wrong and have got a simple approach to my behavior when with other people. It’s like I found my ‘let it go’ button.

Behaviors and habits

Much more is needed before I am forced to act on the development of a conversation, and I have a control over my body that I had lost in my stress period. I can find peace, even when others are in Cat/AM frequency, so I no longer relate to their frequency but keep my own good balance in the Lion/FM frequency instead. Therefore I act sensibly and calmly.

The reason behind my problem lies in several things, both from my relationship with my father in childhood and as a result of my stress in 2019-2020 which exacerbated the problem. The hypnosis treatments and conversations have worked and had a positive effect. I have felt since the first session that I have been improving and today I can enjoy everyday life with self-irony and good conversations where I have peace of mind.

I feel successfully treated for what I came for.

I have previously been in treatment for my psychological problems with my father and was surprised that I hadn’t yet finished treating my psyche with daddy issues. But it was good and positive to get possibly, the last confirmation that his action shall no longer affect me.

Prue was quick to see the problem and also made it clear what I had to do myself to achieve my goals. She listened and asked the right questions that I saw could later be answered during the hypnosis.

I would not change anything, other than hypnotherapy be recognized as a general form of therapy, so you can get a little subsidy 😉 Let’s hope.

I think 100% that there was a professional and competent approach to the treatment and also think that Prue was good at seeing me as the person I am and still give personal professional treatment.

I have never drunk so much water in 2 hours, so I am extremely satisfied with the service.

I would recommend Prue Bach to others.


Clara Torp

Hypnotherapy for fear of not being or doing enough and the toll of this stress on the body

Amalie Buhl, 23år
5 sessions

Dearest Prue

You are one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. You are so competent, so communicative, so committed, so authentic, so alive. Deeply fascinating!

There you stood… It didn’t take me long to spot your warm smile and contagious laugh, your caring and loving radiance and your sincere presence. It didn’t take me long to find the peace in my stomach to let you in and let you get really close… It felt safe, it felt trusting.

I came to you Prue because I felt powerless, unhappy, inadequate and extremely scared for not doing things well enough. Powerless and unhappy as a result of not been allowed to study medicine, which I had been chasing all my life, at all costs. Suddenly my body said no, completely no. I felt the identity crisis. Excruciating. The feeling of inadequacy and the fear of not doing well enough at my new study. If I can’t become a doctor, I must at least become a recognized, dedicated and skilled nurse, because if I can’t just do that, then what can I do? I felt like a failure, I was fumbling blindly and I pushed myself to the limit. My body bombarded me with danger signals, but I was obsessed with proving that I was capable, so of course all the syllabus pages had to be read. My perfectionism was eating me up, but I had no choice. I had to grit my teeth.

Now I communicate in the past tense, as if the whole thing is a finished chapter. It is not, I still think it is difficult, but I am in an active process with desire and courage for even more change and I have never been there before. Early in the process, I felt a – for me decisive – change in relation to my previous, inappropriate, narrow-minded perspective regarding career and success. With an eye for helping people ‘to get to know oneself’, you made me discover the 99 other possible paths and psychologically I felt a new and foreign acceptance of and joy that these new doors opened for me. It felt indescribably nice, safe and gave me a unique sense of calm inside.

Your message that I must not label my “failed” attempt at medical school as a failure, but instead interpret it as a positive experience, I simply can ‘reject as the right path to happiness and well-being for me’, has resonated inside me. It is a message that has become part of my mindset and part of my coping strategies when I am confronted with my ‘cat’ triggers.

Completely impractical, I have noticed several times how at school I suddenly – both physically and mentally – allow myself to surrender myself completely to an exciting subject. I am overflowing with passionate and happy feelings that can hardly wait to become a hatched nurse. This liberating feeling helps to create my well-being. You have enabled me to speak my new language, you have given me tools to accommodate and explore new thoughts and reflections, abilities to expand my perspective and courage to let in new things.

Think, I have become the winner of that unique gift. With practice, I believe that one day I will succeed in becoming ‘unconsciously competent’. It all starts with the thoughts, as Dr. Joe Dispenza describes it. New thoughts lead to new decisions, and new decisions create new behaviour, new behaviour leads to new experiences, and new experiences create new emotions. And it is precisely the emotions that control our lives and become our reality.

As you yourself describe it to me: The inside creates the outside. You have given me the conditions so that I can create an appropriate interior. I have won a lot. Not least, I have gained the belief that I can create my own path as long as I get to know myself and dare to be true to myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I would like to thank the problem that was the reason I sought you out, because a part from that problem, this solution and my change would never have happened. You have taught me that “problems CREATE solutions” – so thank you for that!

The warmest, most loving and deeply grateful greetings.

Hypnotherapy against anxiety and pain in the mind and body

Betina, Social and Health Assistant, 30 years old

5 sessions

Dear Prue

THANK YOU – it has been a pleasure, I am so grateful for your treatment!

You are a wonderful person to work with. You have made it easy for me. Thank you!

I have had 4 sessions with Prue and after 5 months a post session.
My treatment with Prue has changed my life for the better. For several years I have flown in and out of depression and struggled with many personal problems.
Prue has managed to get my inner self back, I feel whole again. I experience a power and strength like never before. I have become rock solid, confident and I dare to stand by my own opinion again.
I believe again that I am good enough!

I have had big problems in my life that I never thought could be solved – but Prue has managed to shift all the pain in mind and body. I never feel these problems anymore.

Prue has helped all the discomfort and anxiety out of my body.

I can only give the best and warmest recommendations for Prue – everyone should give themselves a course!

It can only give strength, courage and power to one’s life and to the challenges that may arise.

Hypnosis for low self-worth which lay behind it- feeling paralyzed and lethargic

Anne Dorte Wiin Sørensen
4 sessions

For a period of 10 months, I found myself becoming more and more sad and introverted. I felt sad, deep in my soul, without necessarily being able to tell why I was sad and felt like I had ended up in one big black hole. I felt paralyzed and had no idea how to move forward, so life made sense again.

I wanted to find myself again, to be happy again, to allow and master the negative and depressive thoughts in such a way that I next time they appear, do not end up in the same black hole. I wanted to move deeper into the understanding of my own feelings and behaviour patterns, to create an understanding of why I felt exactly the way I did.

The conversations before the hypnosis mapped and clarified partly my feelings, my behaviour and not least the challenges I unconsciously had taken with me all my life. Several times during these conversations, I suddenly experienced a meaning with things. Hypnosis sessions were based on the conversations before the hypnosis, which created a sense of security for me. I got a lot of images in my head during the hypnosis sessions, which I couldn’t always explain or add a deeper meaning to at the time. But after each hypnosis session, I experienced a deeper understanding of my past and feelings that have been unprocessed baggage.

It’s been insanely hard to feel all these emotions again, and work with them, but it’s been worth it. I am amazed at how much effect each hypnosis session has had on me.

  • I feel happy and relieved and have discovered the effect of the power of thought.
  • I am smiling and happy again.
  • I am not so tired anymore.
  • I have energy to do things that are good for me.
  • I have found joy in training again, and have less body pain.
  • I automatically think much more positively.
  • I take challenges much easier.

I am still affected by other people’s negativity, which makes me distance myself from this in a natural way, and unconsciously try to speak positivity into other people’s challenges and negative attitudes. I have turned my paralysis into action, and generally think very positively about myself, which I was made clear I didn’t do before.

Prue helped me get to the core of the problem, which was poor self-esteem. It came as a big surprise to me that this was my problem, but when I had time to go into all the feelings guided by Prue, I could easily see that this was where my problem was.

The hypnosis treatments have had a huge effect on me. I believe this was my rescue out of the black hole.

Prue showed me the way, and guided me through, in a safe and secure way. I have put the victim role aside, forgiven and now feel I can breathe again without an elephant sitting on my chest. I have learned to trust myself and my gut feeling, and now I know that I am good enough exactly as I am. I have turned my thoughts, feelings and behaviour around, and feel like a completely different person, which my relatives can also feel.

I had many aha experiences and connections as I suddenly had a greater understanding of previous experiences.

Prue is fantastically good at listening and being present. She hears what you are trying to express and also what you have difficulty putting into words. She says the right things in a really good way. She creates a space of safety where everything is allowed and I feel taken care of.

I have already recommended Prue to many and I know that one is already in treatment with Prue and is so happy about it.

Hypnotherapy for effects of anxiety and stress on the body

Mette Hornskov Nielsen, Technical Designer, 29 years old
4 sessions

I wanted help to be happy, confident and not afraid of losing. I didn’t feel good going to work.

I’ve had it bad for many years. I’ve worked really hard to forget what it felt like to be me. I was in a bad relationship until I turned 21.

The process started with me having to tell about myself. Prue asked about my life and what I have experienced. It was really pleasant to talk to Prue as she seemed genuinely interested in hearing what my problems were and gave explanations as to why I had a stomach ache and explained how powerful the power of thought is.

The hypnosis itself the first time was a wild experience – the hypnosis was very rewarding and I could see it for myself. Prue is really good at guiding you and keeping you on track. I was full of energy and joy after the first hypnosis session and thought it was the right choice to ask the establishment for help.

The next sessions were a bit scary for me and I was completely afraid that it would not get better as I actually became sad after number 2 and 3 hypnosis session. Prue explained again how much happens inside the body and I had probably hoped for a quick fix. She talked about new pathways that are created inside the brain when the new methods that I have learned are used. I now think a lot about being the lion and not the cat.

The last session we had was very rewarding and I now have a peace in my body that I have not felt for a long time.

I used to have thoughts all the time that said I wasn’t good enough – that thought pattern I feel is almost “forgotten” or hidden further away. It’s so wonderful.

I’ve gotten better at thinking ‘delete’ or it’s not my problem but someone else’s. I’m learning to be more selfish. I suffered from daily stomach aches and tremors due to anxiety. It’s much better because I don’t think so much anymore.

I have become better at taking care of myself and thinking about what I want and not what others want me to do. It’s a completely different world to live in.

I think more positively and don’t have swarms of thoughts like before and if it comes up I’ve learned how to get out of it again.

I know it’s not a quick fix but a new way of seeing the world.

I have been hospitalized twice this year with inflammation of the renal pelvis and Prue has told me that anxiety is (in the kidneys)

My stomach works better after having this treatment with Prue and I am really happy about that.

My time with Prue has taught and changed me for the postive with many more good thoughts and a method to stop bad ones.

I would definitely recommend hypnosis to others.

Prue is really good at listening and explaining things if you come up with problems that you don’t understand yourself.

There was a very professional and competent approach to the treatment.

I would definitely recommend Prue Bach to others. I really felt heard and seen.

Dear Prue, Thank you very much for your great help. It means so much! THANKS