About Prue Bach
Short summary: After five happy years as a busy full-time hypnotist and hypnotherapist with experience from thousands of sessions treating teenagers and adults where the client has been in treatment, in follow-up sessions or had a desire for coaching in personal development, I have chosen to stop my collaboration as a consultant at Hypnoseterapi Vejle. The team was described as ‘carefully selected due to personality, qualifications and competence’ and consisting of ‘some of the country’s most skilled, well-grounded, well-educated and experienced hypnotherapists.’ In 2024, I chose to be true to myself and take more ownership, control and freedom over my own name and working methods as well as seek wider collaboration, by starting my own clinic, Prue Bach Hypnotherapy in Vejle.
In addition: In 2007 I moved to Vejle, Denmark from Australia where I now live with my Danish husband and our children. My life is a testament to the truth of living life as one chooses and making dreams a reality no matter the circumstances. This personal experience adds to my credibility as a manifestation coach. As a dual Danish and Australian citizen, I embrace both cultures as my heritage and consider myself a universal citizen. It is my pride and joy to help clients nationwide in Denmark as well as internationally, in person or on-line.
What has been instrumental in my doing the work I enjoy today has been my search to know ‘what happiness is’ and what living a happy life involves! I can thank that search for the thrill of living my life on purpose today! NOW I KNOW I WAS ALWAYS LIVING MY LIFE ON PURPOSE BY BEING TRUE TO MY SEARCH. That is what life’s joy is about, the journey we are taken on individually when we trust and dare to be true to our inner voice. It has led me to the family I love, in a new homeland, working full-time helping others to be happy by actualizing themselves.
What is it that YOU want that is calling you forward? That is your ‘Lion’
I combine my academic, scientific, medical and therapeutic skills in our sessions to help you create change involving all three aspects of your mind. The power of working with your conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind becomes evident as you experience the power of understanding who you really are and what you are capable of. As you set yourself free of what is blocking you from being true to yourself, you’ll experience a life that is more authentic, joyful and successful.
Experience has shown me that you, the client, have the answers you need to achieve the changes you seek and in my supportive role in your change, I help you to know that too.
You create the reality you live in. When you’re living a reality you don’t want, you can change it!
Ready for us to get started?
Education and qualifications
- Certified International NGH (‘National Guild of Hypnotists’) 5-PATH (‘5 Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis’) Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist
- Advanced Master in Hypnotherapy with psychotherapeutic skills
- Course in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBH/CBT
- Course in trauma treatment
- Full-time hypnotherapist in Vejle in collaboration with Ellen Færk Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy Kibæk, and Ellen Færk with our joint Quantum Hypnosis work.
- Bachelor of Applied Science in Medical Laboratory Science, which led to work alongside doctors and specialists in hospitals both in Australia and Denmark as a microbiologist and later in pharmaceuticals at medical clinics and hospitals in Australia.
- Early experience in mainstream healthcare strengthens my skills as a hypnotherapist today. In contrast to the science of that time, the newer sciences of quantum physics and epigenetics, together with advances in neuroscience, have proven beyond doubt our capacity for human empowerment through the power of our thoughts and feelings to influence our health and happiness. The placebo effect (sugar pill results) evidenced in clinical trials alone has historically demonstrated the power of belief; thought creates reality! Human empowerment is a future industry. Advancements in this area are leading edge with evolved scientific evidence to support it. Practicing evidence-based therapy is important to me.