Hypnosis for Self-esteem and Self-confidence

Hypnosis to help being herself again

Facebook Review

One of the best decisions I have made in my adult life has been coming to this therapy.

It has reminded me that my life belongs to me and helped me become myself again.

Such a powerful treatment!


Hypnosis for feeling wrong and inadequate

Linne Freja Østergaard
4 sessions

Dear Prue.

Thank you very much for your guidance and hypnosis in my process – from cat to lion

I really got a lot out of it and I am in the process of changing some fundamental beliefs about myself. It has been a fantastically good process that has given me a lot. You are very skilled!

“I called Prue after years of searching for a way to restore my faith in myself. I had a pervasive fear that was controlling my choices, as a result of years of feeling wrong and inadequate.

I quickly discovered that Prue sensed exactly what it was about. She helped me through conversation and hypnosis to become aware of my patterns and how I used them to keep myself trapped in the feeling of not being good enough.

After being in a process that spanned four sessions, I have now let go of what has held me back for many years from throwing myself into new adventures and expecting life to want the best for me.

She sent me audio files for self-hypnosis, as well as meditations that I still use diligently to support the change towards becoming a stronger, happier and healthier version of myself – THANK YOU Prue!

I can warmly recommend Prue and Hypnoseterapi Vejle, as I experienced a great degree of friendliness, knowledge and experience there”.

I am really looking forward to starting the course (to become a Hypnotherapist)- it seems SO right to me! Everything is good.

Linne Freja Østergaard

Hypnosis for low self-worth which lay behind it - Sadness

Anne Dorte Wiin Sørensen
4 sessions

For a period of 10 months, I found myself becoming more and more sad and introverted. I felt sad, deep in my soul, without necessarily being able to tell why I was sad and felt like I had ended up in one big black hole. I felt paralyzed and had no idea how to move forward, so life made sense again.

I wanted to find myself again, to be happy again, to allow and master the negative and depressive thoughts in such a way that I next time they appear, do not end up in the same black hole. I wanted to move deeper into the understanding of my own feelings and behaviour patterns, to create an understanding of why I felt exactly the way I did.

The conversations before the hypnosis mapped and clarified partly my feelings, my behaviour and not least the challenges I unconsciously had taken with me all my life. Several times during these conversations, I suddenly experienced a meaning with things.

Hypnosis sessions were based on the conversations before the hypnosis, which created a sense of security for me. I got a lot of images in my head during the hypnosis sessions, which I couldn’t always explain or add a deeper meaning to at the time. But after each hypnosis session, I experienced a deeper understanding of my past and feelings that have been unprocessed baggage.

It’s been insanely hard to feel all these emotions again, and work with them, but it’s been worth it.

I am amazed at how much effect each hypnosis session has had on me.

  • I feel happy and relieved and have discovered the effect of the power of thought.
  • I am smiling and happy again.
  • I am not so tired anymore.
  • I have energy to do things that are good for me.
  • I have found joy in training again, and have less body pain.
  • I automatically think much more positively.
  • I take challenges much easier.

I am still affected by other people’s negativity, which makes me distance myself from this in a natural way, and unconsciously try to speak positivity into other people’s challenges and negative attitudes. I have turned my paralysis into action, and generally think very positively about myself, which I was made clear I didn’t do before.

Prue helped me get to the core of the problem, which was poor self-esteem. It came as a big surprise to me that this was my problem, but when I had time to go into all the feelings guided by Prue, I could easily see that this was where my problem was.

The hypnosis treatments have had a huge effect on me. I believe this was my rescue out of the black hole.

Prue showed me the way, and guided me through, in a safe and secure way. I have put the victim role aside, forgiven and now feel I can breathe again without an elephant sitting on my chest.

I have learned to trust myself and my gut feeling, and now I know that I am good enough exactly as I am. I have turned my thoughts, feelings and behaviour around, and feel like a completely different person, which my relatives can also feel. I had many aha experiences and connections as I suddenly had a greater understanding of previous experiences.

Prue is fantastically good at listening and being present. She hears what you are trying to express and also what you have difficulty putting into words. She says the right things in a really good way. She creates a space of safety where everything is allowed and I feel taken care of. 

I have already recommended Prue to many and I know that one is already in treatment with Prue and is so happy about it.

Anne Dorthe Wiin Sørensen

Hypnotherapy for anxiety, depression and self-esteem

Ditte Højland, CEO, 30 years old
4 sessions

I wanted help for low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

What I wanted was to find a more sustainable way of living, where I didn’t keep falling into the same negative thought patterns.

It has been recurring throughout my adult life, but it has been very difficult to deal with for the past 2-3 months.
I finished treatment on 05.10.2022.

The conversations before the hypnosis session were very inspiring and helped me gain a better understanding of my own process. I was surprised that some insights that I had not been able to get clear on my own, stood out very clearly in these conversations, and took root in a completely different way. I experienced Prue as very committed and empathetic and the conversations gave me a feeling of being able to succeed in the change I was looking for.
The experience of the hypnosis sessions was very pleasant. Even when negative emotions were in focus, I felt confidently guided through the experience.

I had some big aha experiences, where problems I had not recognized as particularly significant at all, turned out to be enormously significant. I would not have been able to work with these problems without hypnosis, as it would be too difficult to get behind my convictions about the causes of the issues in my life.

Mental symptoms
I have become much happier and have gained a completely different inner peace and strength to feel for what is good for me. It has become much easier for me to accept myself.

Physical symptoms
I have gained more energy and have become better at feeling e.g. hunger and fatigue, which I had difficulty reacting to previously. This means that my blood sugar is much more stable and I sleep better and more at night.

Thought patterns
My thought patterns have completely changed. I have not had anxiety attacks at all, which I had almost daily before the course. I think much more lovingly about myself.

Behavioural patterns, ways of doing things, habits –
I have become much better at acting appropriately on what my intuition tells me. I’ve gotten better at setting boundaries.

The hypnosis treatments and the conversations prior to hypnosis have worked and had a very positive effect and yes, I have finished treatment for what I came for!

Prue was both present and inspiring to talk to, and was good at shifting and changing my experience of myself and my problems in a very insightful way.

There is nothing that could have been better or that I wished was done differently.

It was a professional and competent approach to the treatment and a high level of service.

I would definitely recommend Prue and have already done so several times!

Hypnosis for low self-esteem

Female Therapist - Silkeborg
4 sessions

My low self-esteem has followed me for many years and as it turns out, with different faces.

How have you felt your change (physically and psychologically) – behavior, habits, mindset, feelings –

Relatively quickly, I think you dived into a layer where I myself have not been able to get down. The knowledge you have handed down to me is in a way familiar – I just couldn’t feel it – but now I can! I felt a big change from 2-3. session and 4th session put it all in place.

I came home and I feel how I am bubbling with energy inside. I am also completely comfortable with having you with me as a cheerleader when I need it along the way – it gives me courage.

How did you experience our sessions – both the conversations and hypnosis –

Incredibly rewarding – you speak and think quickly – but I think that’s a really good thing for such an analytical brain like mine – and hard-programmed brain like mine – which also tends to work quickly – so it created a space around me, where I lowered the parades and there was direct access (if I have to describe the energy in the room).

It was enormously effective with the conversations before the hypnosis – this is where I really felt a difference in feeling myself – as you created a space with deep focus and kept us on the path…

Something that has surprised –

I am surprised at how deep an effect the conversations and hypnosis have had – and I am very surprised at how clearly it became clear that we are SO programmed in our lives – and what a liberation with the feeling of being ‘one’s own master in one’s own house!’.

Your conclusion about treatment and me as a therapist –

You are insanely good at what you do – and at staying on the overall level – no ‘belly button digging’ (thank God). You are super sharp at articulating everything so that it makes sense and it can BE FELT! It has really moved me (in my development) wildly in the 4 sessions we have had. It is difficult to describe, but how thrilling it is with the extent I have come in contact with my own presence, which has been absent. The amazing thing is that when you are in this flow, the whole universe aligns and you yourself become the captain of your own ship.

Super nice the way you use the picture and metaphors – it settles in the visual memory.

Something you wanted different –

Not really – I am deeply grateful that you have shown me the way home – because I was a little lost.

If you would recommend me –


Who and how could this kind of process benefit others – person/situation/company/industry-

I think that everyone will really benefit from it – you mentioned yourself 80% go in a programmed cat mode … and we need more lions out there to inspire and spread the good warm energy of love and excess. The children of the earth are little lions and it is very close to my heart that we cherish their energy in deep respect for what they bring – we are some who are the standard bearers – and have an obligation to look after the little creatures – so that the world becomes continues to be a place with empathy, love, openness and, not least, diversity.

Thank you for you and what you do!

Hypnosis for exam anxiety and low self-esteem

Frederikke Juncher Høeg - Copenhagen

Multiple consultations over the years

Briefly about Prue

-Constructive – good at identifying problems and coming up with examples that make it easier to visualize what needs to be worked on
-Takes time

I have had the pleasure of being a client of Prue’s for a few years.

Prue is always open and quick to find an appointment when I have requested it, often at short notice. I was with Prue for the first time for hypnotherapy autumn/winter 2018/2019. Prue was looking for clients to take part in the final part of her training, where I was lucky enough to have my mum contact Prue on my behalf – at the time I didn’t even think I needed the help Prue could offer me.

I would describe myself as being very self-aware and goal-oriented, and good at articulating my feelings. Since I am studying a natural science education, with which both as a person and through my studies I am strongly influenced by the natural scientific way of thinking, I have not had much faith in hypnotherapy. That you can work with your subconscious in this way was a completely unknown world to me.
That’s why I initially went into hypnotherapy with a bit of scepticism, but this was quickly laid to rest.

I was greeted by Prue; she is an enormously warm, embracing, present and welcoming person. She listens, is incredibly trustworthy, skilled and competent. She creates a safe environment and an atmosphere that creates the perfect setting for hypnosis.

My problem has been exam anxiety and thus a lack of confidence in my own abilities. I have used Prue on many occasions, at regular intervals, among other things leading up to major exams at my university, where I have needed to let go of the negative and unconstructive thoughts that pervaded. For me, the feelings and thoughts I experienced were all-consuming and destructive. I have experienced in the past that they have prevented me from performing professionally because my head had decided in advance that I could not figure it out. In exam situations, my body was restless, I was scared, sad and resigned. I was stressed and had countless sleepless nights with all kinds of worries flying around in my head.

Hypnotherapy with Prue is the most important and best “card to have at hand”.
I always leave Prue with renewed energy, feel relieved, have gained new perspectives on things, new ways of thinking and looking at my situation, as well as something to work on at home. All after just one or very few sessions.

Prue is incredibly talented and has helped me move mountains and work on issues I never thought possible to work on. She is thorough and always takes her time, and is also efficient in her treatments.

Prue is constructive and good at explaining, she uses illustrations and pictures that make it easy for the client to understand and visualize new thoughts and patterns.

I always feel in the best hands with Prue.

Prue is and has helped push me in a good direction, in ways I don’t always fully understand. I have gained insight into my problem, where my exam anxiety originated from.
My experience was that it all fell into place in my head, like beads on a string, it all came together and suddenly it made sense.
Since then, I have started to think much more positively, and experience almost no exam anxiety anymore. Instead, I go to the exam: with an open mind, calm and with confidence in my own abilities – something I never thought possible before. I always get confirmation of that, and more, when I’m with Prue.

I live in Copenhagen, but like to travel across the country to come to Prue.
It’s hard to describe the help Prue has given me so you can understand how amazing it is what Prue can do.
She is and will be the best and most skilled hypnotherapist that I keep coming back to when I face challenges in my life.

Hypnosis for low self-esteem and self-confidence

Male Business Intelligence Manager, 46 years old - Børkop
4 sessions

My wish was to be able to stand up for myself and be myself without any worries about what others think.

Create a better self-esteem relative to my partner.

Generally just be me (take it or leave it attitude)

I wanted much better inner balance and faith in myself.

I have had the problem for 10 years.

I think the conversations before the hypnosis were good and very detailed in terms of how the whole process should proceed.

The hypnosis sessions were exciting to try, but sometimes too borderline, but that’s part of the game.

Mental symptoms – less stress, better inner peace, more mentally robust.

Physical symptoms – pressure in the chest has disappeared

Thought patterns – much more clear thinking

Patterns of behavior – I don’t let myself be pressured by other people

Hypnosis experiences were personally challenging, but the experiences were super good, and gave a lot to think about afterwards. I am still thinking about my session experiences.

Hypnosis treatments and conversations have had a very positive effect.

Right now I feel in good balance and I don’t need any subsequent treatments. But should this change over time, I will definitely do it again. .

I think Prue is super good and hits the spot on some of my issues, but she also has a super good energy, which is important.

There was certainly a professional and competent approach to the treatment and the level of service was high.

I would definitely recommend Prue Bach and hypnotherapy to others.

Hypnosis for insecurity about own worth and striving for perfection

Amalie Buhl, 23år
5 sessions

Dearest Prue

You are one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. You are so competent, so communicative, so committed, so authentic, so alive. Deeply fascinating!

There you stood… It didn’t take me long to spot your warm smile and contagious laugh, your caring and loving radiance and your sincere presence. It didn’t take me long to find the peace in my stomach to let you in and let you get really close… It felt safe, it felt trusting.

I came to you Prue because I felt powerless, unhappy, inadequate and extremely scared for not doing things well enough. Powerless and unhappy as a result of not been allowed to study medicine, which I had been chasing all my life, at all costs. Suddenly my body said no, completely no. I felt the identity crisis. Excruciating. The feeling of inadequacy and the fear of not doing well enough at my new study. If I can’t become a doctor, I must at least become a recognized, dedicated and skilled nurse, because if I can’t just do that, then what can I do? I felt like a failure, I was fumbling blindly and I pushed myself to the limit. My body bombarded me with danger signals, but I was obsessed with proving that I was capable, so of course all the syllabus pages had to be read. My perfectionism was eating me up, but I had no choice. I had to grit my teeth.

Now I communicate in the past tense, as if the whole thing is a finished chapter. It is not, I still think it is difficult, but I am in an active process with desire and courage for even more change and I have never been there before. Early in the process, I felt a – for me decisive – change in relation to my previous, inappropriate, narrow-minded perspective regarding career and success.

With an eye for helping people ‘to get to know oneself’, you made me discover the 99 other possible paths and psychologically I felt a new and foreign acceptance of and joy that these new doors opened for me. It felt indescribably nice, safe and gave me a unique sense of calm inside. Your message that I must not label my “failed” attempt at medical school as a failure, but instead interpret it as a positive experience, I simply can ‘reject as the right path to happiness and well-being for me’, has resonated inside me. It is a message that has become part of my mindset and part of my coping strategies when I am confronted with my ‘cat’ triggers.

Completely impractical, I have noticed several times how at school I suddenly – both physically and mentally – allow myself to surrender myself completely to an exciting subject. I am overflowing with passionate and happy feelings that can hardly wait to become a hatched nurse. This liberating feeling helps to create my well-being. You have enabled me to speak my new language, you have given me tools to accommodate and explore new thoughts and reflections, abilities to expand my perspective and courage to let in new things.

Think, I have become the winner of that unique gift. With practice, I believe that one day I will succeed in becoming ‘unconsciously competent’. It all starts with the thoughts, as Dr. Joe Dispenza describes it. New thoughts lead to new decisions, and new decisions create new behavior, new behavior leads to new experiences, and new experiences create new emotions. And it is precisely the emotions that control our lives and become our reality.

As you yourself describe it to me: The inside creates the outside. You have given me the conditions so that I can create an appropriate interior. I have won a lot. Not least, I have gained the belief that I can create my own path as long as I get to know myself and dare to be true to myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I would like to thank the problem that was the reason I sought you out, because a part from that problem, this solution and my change would never have happened. You have taught me that “problems CREATE solutions” – so thank you for that!

The warmest, most loving and deeply grateful greetings.

Hypnosis for help after multiple depressions, self-esteem was close to non-existent

Else Høppner, Retiree, 68 years old
4 sessions

After several depressions, my self-esteem was very low. I suffered feeling guilt and shame.
I wanted to be present in life with joy.

The first depression started 18 years ago.

I got a very positive impression after the first session. After each session I was reaffirmed in my decision to do something for myself and my family instead of a trip south.

Every session was a huge eye-opener, many things fell into place within me.
I dared to face everyday life and see that I am not to blame for how I have felt for many years. Physically, I haven’t felt a change, maybe I enjoy nature a little more than before.

My thoughts do not revolve around the past and the shame of having had to give up work and my everyday life that I had before my first depression.

I am happier and don’t have to play comedy to cover up how I feel. I have found that the world does not end ‘even if the napkins do not match the tablecloth.’

The hypnosis experiences were both good, but also scary. They put my thoughts in motion and I came to realize that what I thought was to blame for how I feel, and might not be as meaningful after all.

The conversations and hypnosis treatments have had a very positive effect. I have realized that there is another path that I can follow. Before I only saw the bars in front of me (jail), now I can look sideways and choose differently (set myself free).
Whether I have successfully completed my process, only time can tell.

I feel free and completely ready to live my life. After the 2nd session I didn’t have high expectations, I felt exposed, many of the things that came up I had repressed, but it all fell into place in the next sessions.

Prue is quite simply amazing. Her enthusiasm and empathy is completely unique, very professional and competent.
She always had an agenda, but no more fixed than there was time to dwell on the things that came up during the conversations.

I couldn’t wish for more or better than what we jointly created each time.

The surroundings are safe and you feel very welcome.

As you can probably see, I am very satisfied with the process and will certainly recommend you to others.

Thank you for an enriching and good experience.

Hypnosis for low self-esteem

Annette Laursen
4 sessions

I’ve been 4 times with fantastic Prue.

I experienced low self-esteem and didn’t really believe in myself and unfortunately some other things. We turned that around together.

I can only recommend it so much.

With love, the proud Lion

Thank you sweet Prue!

sought hypnosis for stress, minor depression, low self-esteem and pain from a terrible childhood

Michael Nielsen, Dairy worker, 59 years old - Holstebro
4 sessions

Hi Prue
WOW, what an experience….
I did not in my wildest hope, expect that I could come so far….

I am forever grateful to you that for the first time in 59 years, I am the one who lives and controls my life….
Many, Many THANKS, for your TENACIOUS effort….

I sought help from Prue for stress, depression, low self-esteem and pain from a terrible childhood and the after effects of it.
After 59 years of struggling with vulnerability, I wanted to overcome this vulnerability.
I experienced physical and psychological violence from the time I was born.

The conversations before hypnosis were in-depth and fully professional (MUCH better than with a psychologist)
The hypnosis sessions were a challenge for Prue and for myself. I had an incorrect expectation of hypnosis which I thought was a deep trance. Not being able to visualize images on the internal screen gave me a frustration that Prue constantly had to guide me through.
Everything has changed for me. Now I have to teach myself, to live my life, the right way. The crowd of thoughts is gone. The eternal headache (full head) is gone. My low self-esteem is gone. The vulnerability is gone. I can feel my body now (where has it been?). My inner and outer self fit together now….
All challenges are solved and I feel finished.
I always had the feeling that Prue would be the solution to my CHALLENGES….
Great that Prue takes the time it takes…. I have ABSOLUTELY, maxed out ALL of my allotted time with you….

I have referred and will refer many to you. Far too many people have pain that they go to doctors and psychologists for years about, which you can solve in 1 month….
But the health system will never recognize your worth, as you are too efficient…
My own doctor wanted to send me to a psychologist. Hypnotist could not be recommended….
THANK YOU SO MUCH for you……….

Struggled with anxiety and low self-esteem which hypnotherapy helped with

Anja Krabbe
4 sessions

Dear Prue, thank you from the bottom of my heart for a fantastic journey over the past 5 weeks.

I write this greeting to you with tears of joy because I don’t think anyone has ever given me such a great gift, I don’t know how to thank you enough.

Here is my brief description of our process:

I contacted Prue during the summer holidays for help.
I struggled with anxiety and lack of self-esteem. I couldn’t take it anymore, was tired of fighting and had kind of given up inside. However, I knew that I might have a chance with hypnotherapy! My youngest daughter has been in therapy herself and it has given her so much, plus all her anxiety is gone and it’s been over a year since she went to hypnotherapy.
I had to try and wrote an email and sent it off.

I was called by Prue who told me that she would like to help me and we agreed on I should come for 4 sessions.

My problem was, as I said, anxiety and a lack of faith in myself, which was often expressed through panic attacks (sweaty hands, dry mouth and an inner feeling of not being good enough).

Today I find it difficult to remember how I was 5 weeks ago, so much positive has happened inside me and it is such a fantastic feeling.
I was unsure when I started who I was, was confused, was nervous about whether I was doing something wrong, etc. I am surprised at how quickly I changed course and over the time of my 4 sessions I have been surprised each time by how much has filled my life and how amazing it is to get rid of the past and let go of it.

The hypnotherapy has taught me about my life, what I have been missing and where I should find myself, my strength, calmness, joy and will to find ‘the lion me’ and bring it out into the light.

Prue has shown me the way and she is incredibly talented and I am deeply impressed by what she has done for me.

I give Prue 10 out of 10.
I will miss you Prue and thank you for your support. You have shown me the way to what I could not find.

I feel free now, relieved, happy, ready to work on and keep strengthening myself, now I know the way.

Big hugs from me,
Kind regards,

Anja Krabbe

Hypnosis for low self-esteem and relationship issues

Anne Sofie Sørensen

4 sessions

Hi Prue

I am sending you a few words back as a reflection on the process I had with you.

When I came to you I was very curious about what hypnotherapy is and what it would be able to do for me.

My experience has been that it has been a very intense process and there has been a lot to digest and take in over a short time.

I find the idea of working with the subconscious and the things stored in the body really exciting and interesting.

What I mainly take away from our sessions is to think about when it is the ‘cat or the lion’ who is allowed to speak. I can feel that it is a long process to change the inner dialogue, but being aware of it is the first step towards creating a change.

I also think more about when the thoughts take over and the awareness of being able to decide when I want to stop the flow of thoughts.

I have gained a belief that what I want in this life I can get by believing in it, being purposeful about it, thinking about it with positive thoughts and feeling how it will be.

I have also become aware of working on being more in the present and not constantly thinking about the future, because in doing so I rob myself of the opportunity to enjoy what I have right now.

Thank you for a good time.

Best regards from Anne Sofie Sørensen

Hypnosis for low self-esteem and self-confidence

Anonymous, 45 years old
4 sessions

I came to Prue with a feeling of not being able to live the life I wanted deep down. Sad/depressed and frustrated – also because I was in a relationship where I felt I had lost myself more and more. I felt poor self-esteem and self-confidence.

I have been happy and comfortable coming to Prue. Through conversation, she tracked down where my problems could have started and where I am sabotaging myself. In a very professional, positive, caring and thorough way, she guided me, first through conversation and later in hypnosis, to new thought patterns and self-perception. I felt incredibly safe the whole way.

I have felt the change in the way that I can feel my core, my wishes and needs much more clearly. In a way, I feel that I have a bubble around me where I myself am inside. This bubble is filled with security, self-esteem, self-confidence, will, positivity, spirit and strength. It’s just nice to be here, because I feel strong and not easy to knock over. I have found the creativity that I have so much of and the ideas are bubbling. I am happy and satisfied with the change I have felt.

I am still in my relationship, but I have become more convinced that maybe this is not where I should be if I am to have the opportunity to be the version of ME that I want.

The cause of my problems went back to my childhood, when I didn’t feel I was worth loving. Through hypnosis, I was guided back into my childhood, where I was given the opportunity to forgive my parents and myself. I think it made very good sense to get all the way back to childhood via hypnosis, because ordinary conversation in the waking state, I have experienced, has not been able to produce the same effect.

I definitely think the hypnosis treatments have worked. As long as I am in the relationship I am in now, I must work to preserve the good feeling and the “bubble” that I described. Therefore, it may well be later that I will have a few more sessions.

I would definitely recommend others to get hypnosis treatment if they are suffering from problems that they cannot really get to the bottom of through ordinary talk therapy.

Prue is a really sweet and loving therapist who, in a super professional and competent way, has given me the tools to move on in life, in the way I wanted.

I can only give the best recommendation.

Sincerely, me