Hypnosis for Anxiety, Fear and Phobias

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Fear and Phobias

Hypnotherapy treatment of Anxiety which has many forms

At Prue Bach Hypnotherapy in Vejle, I specialize in the treatment of all forms of anxiety. It is one of my niches as it is associated with the majority of my client cases. Since anxiety is physical and is associated to the past, treatment of anxiety with hypnotherapy is highly effective, as it is a  holistic solution that goes deeper than conversational therapy alone.

All feelings are good as they serve us in our navigation of the world. However, this does not mean that all emotions are pleasant to feel. The feeling of anxiety speaks to the client’s past as it is connected to a history. Anxiety is an experience in the body that has escalated from a more subtle feeling of being worried, nervous or uncertain about a danger, to a stronger feeling where anxiety can be felt. It is an appropriate cycle that guides us healthily in our environment. This cycle becomes inappropriate and unhealthy when the danger is ‘imaginary’ where one expects the worst, becomes anxious or panicked or paralyzed – by thought ALONE or by a trigger to the ‘past’ – but where the situation ‘ here and now’ is not a real danger.  

Anxiety as a bodily response can be enormously debilitating if it has been going on for a long time. Due to exposure over time, it becomes familiar to the body and thus it can ‘happen by itself’ and give a feeling of being out of control or powerless to stop it.

Typical physical symptoms of anxiety are: palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, feeling hot or cold, dizziness, shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, chest tightness or pain in the chest.  

Anxiety has many faces, as it is experienced in varying degrees, is triggered by different situations and is described with many different words such as: feeling nervous, worried, afraid or having a fear or a phobia of something. Regardless of the degree or form, hypnosis and hypnotherapy for anxiety is an effective treatment.

Typically treatments are between 1-2 sessions to treat a phobia otherwise 3-4 sessions.

Read the words of clients – here is an example from Henriette about hypnotherapy for claustrophobia and fear of driving or read Rie’s experience of hypnotherapy for fear of stairs:

Life crisis -hypnosis for claustrophobic thoughts and fear of driving

Henriette Edri, Self-employed, 44 years old - Kolding
4 sessions

I came to Prue after my ex-husband had kidnapped my children abroad, and after a long and exhausting court case where I now faced having to get used to a new reality that I had no idea how to be in.

I wanted to allow myself to live a good life under the circumstances, and connect with the inexhaustible universal source of goodness that I know exists. I needed help to let go of my anger, self-blame, worry and find joy in life again.

Find the strength to be the best version of myself for my children’s sake, but also my own.

My earlier marriage was of a traumatic nature, and the feelings that emerged in therapy had been present for at least the last 10 years.

I had chosen to come to Prue because I had already met her in connection with her helping my husband’s nephew from Israel in a hypnotherapeutic treatment in Sep 2019. The initial conversations were comprehensive, inspiring, with a huge amount of knowledge behind them, and have opened and expanded an infinite world of inspiration and positive thinking.

My sessions were amazing!! The inner space in which I found myself, and the journey there, was an indescribable experience. I felt at ease with everything that happened and constantly had an overwhelming feeling of being in the best hands.

I am happier and more positive.

I have been able to partially let go of a burden that another person has represented for me, and it feels like I can breathe again. And when I fall back into old patterns, I can recognize that this is what is happening and now have tools to shut down all the “noise” in my head, and find my way back to where I want to be.

I often had claustrophobic thoughts, which I no longer have.

A limitation that we also worked with was my ability to drive. On the one hand, I love the freedom of it, and on the other hand, I often experienced an inexplicable fear in connection with driving. I haven’t had that since either.

The hypnotherapy sessions with Prue are the best thing I have ever done for myself, a true life changer.

I sincerely feel that in hypnotherapy there is the solution and the answer to how we as humans can find our way back to the right path and live a full and rich life.

In continuation of how good an experience I have had, my husband and I gave my husband’s daughter a course with Prue of 4 sessions. That sums up very well how satisfied and happy I am that our paths have crossed.

When you meet a person who does what they feel deep down is the only right thing for them to do, everything comes from the heart. And that’s how I experienced every encounter with Prue. She creates a safe and enriching space for self-development and gives a gift that goes far beyond the time spent in therapy itself. I feel a new confidence and security in the world because I know I can always return if I need to.

So yes, I will and continue to recommend Prue in the knowledge that good things must be shared with each other.

The only thing I would have liked differently was that the self-hypnosis recording I had with me at home to listen to between our meetings was with Prue’s voice. It makes good sense that the voice you listen to in the treatments is also the voice you listen to on the audio at home.

Hypnotherapy for fear of stairs and more

Rie K Ibsen - North Jutland - 4 sessions

Dear Prue

It was in every way a fantastic process with you. It was like coming home (to myself).

The first session you wore a purple jacket that completely matched the picture with the cat/lion on the wall. Maybe it wasn’t conscious, but for me, who went into something unknown (choosing hypnotherapy), it was a confirmation that what you spoke of is true. There was agreement/harmony between you and what you communicated.

I am full of respect for your knowledge and the way you use yourself in the sessions with humour, dramatization, empathy, and ability to create “pictures” of inner states.

You spoke quickly, a lot, and with energy and commitment. It required 100% of my  attention.

It was like being present in the wild river of realizations, change, excitement and joy.

It was like being ‘overcome’ by all the true and good things you conveyed.

The illustrations that you showed in the book evoked memories for me, impacting me strongly.

It felt safe and good to be in hypnosis and be guided in it.

It was a great experience both physically, mentally and in terms of awareness and my soul/spirit.

I can’t think of anything that I could wish differently in the process.

With huge gratitude and joy, Rie

Master Anxiety or Panic with Hypnosis

When an appropriate response becomes an  inappropriate response and pattern of behaviour where expecting the worst leads to becoming anxious or panicked or paralyzed, where the body is often overwhelmed, it suggests the need for deeper work, such as hypnotherapy for anxiety, in order to effectively turn the situation around.

Why does it feel like anxiety is hard to win over and control?

Our focus and thus attention to our thoughts and feelings experienced repeatedly, becomes a habit. A habit forms a path (neurological path) which makes the path an easy, fast and automatic path. When the path is so well known and ‘used’, it can feel as if the body is controlling you and that you have lost control. The longer this pattern goes on, the more the inappropriate paths and habits are reinforced. This can end in a bad cycle of being ‘afraid to be scared’ which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  

Hypnotherapy for anxiety is an effective tool to:

  • Break this negative cycle by making a new path and re-creating the old unhelpful ‘programs’ to more helpful ones.
  • ‘Re-set’ the body’s program as the body (unconscious mind) ‘sleeps’ under hypnosis which results in experiencing freedom from the old and the enjoyment of being new in it, once in the ‘awake’ state after hypnosis.
  • In the conscious, ‘awake’ state after hypnosis, the body is guided anew by a more appropriate ‘conscious mind’ that has been updated via conversational therapy to serve you, instead of sabotaging you.
  • To reverse anxiety and win over it by combining several layers of change simultaneously: ‘conscious’ conversational therapy, hypnosis work with triggers and the cause (subconscious mind) as well as the body (unconscious mind).
  • To create a successful, harmonious collaboration between body and mind.
  • Find the CAUSE through insight during hypnotherapy and treat it.


Dr. Joe Dispenza is a credible source of this truth and has described this in his book ‘Breaking the habit of being yourself’.

Read here Anja’s experience of hypnosis and hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic:

Hypnotherapy to relieve suffering from anxiety and panic

Anja Krabbe
4 sessioner

Dear Prue

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for a fantastic journey over the past 5 weeks.

I write this greeting to you with tears of joy because I don’t think anyone has ever given me such a great gift. I don’t know how to thank you enough!

Here is my brief description of our process:

I contacted Prue during the summer holidays for help.
I struggled with anxiety, lack of self-esteem. I couldn’t take it anymore, was tired of fighting and had kind of given up inside. However, I knew that I might have a chance with hypnotherapy! My youngest daughter has been in therapy herself and it has given her so much, plus all her anxiety is gone and it’s been over a year since she went to hypnotherapy.
I had to try and wrote an email and sent it off.

I was called by Prue who told me that she would like to help me and we agreed I should come for  4 sessions.

My problem was, as I said, anxiety and a lack of faith in myself, which was often expressed through panic attacks (sweaty hands, dry mouth and an inner feeling of not being good enough).

Today I find it difficult to remember how I was 5 weeks ago, so much positive has happened inside me and it is such a fantastic feeling.

I was unsure when I started who I was, was confused, was nervous about whether I was doing something wrong, etc. I am surprised at how quickly I changed course and over the time of my 4 sessions I have been surprised each time by how much has filled my life and how amazing it is to get rid of the past and let go of it.

Hypnotherapy has taught me, about my life, what I have been missing and where I should find myself, my strength, calmness, joy and will to find ‘the lion me’ and bring it out into the light.

Prue has shown me the way and she is incredibly talented and I am deeply impressed by what she has done for me.

I give Prue 10 out of 10.

I will miss you Prue. Thank you for your support.

You have shown me the way to what I could not find. I feel free now, relieved, happy, ready to work on and keep strengthening myself, now I know the way.

Big hugs from me and kind regards,
Anja Krabbe

The Use of Quantum Hypnosis - How Powerful are our thoughts?

The truth is that our thoughts, feelings and body are inextricably linked. This is confirmed among other things by Dr Joe Dispenza’s long career with scientific evidence proving it. This fact together with my many years of personal experience within medical science as well as my work as a hypnotherapist and manifestation coach, has proven the IMMENSE power of our thoughts. As Einstein said, ‘the only source of knowledge is experience!’ Let it become YOUR experience!

Can my thoughts make me sick? Yes! Can my thoughts imprison me? Yes! BUT it means that your thoughts can heal you and they can set you free from your prison!

Hypnotherapy frees the psychic energy stuck in the body from the emotions and the mind, to create space for healing, freedom and the desired control over oneself. Energy psychology using ‘Quantum Hypnosis’ – a specialty of mine- creates effective change through a new perspective and insight as well as forming new paths and a new program. This means that all three parts of the mind can cooperate positively and be solution-oriented. That is the power of using hypnosis to treat anxiety.

The good news I share with clients about what hypnosis for anxiety can do as a side benefit is, that when their creative power is re-directed to the opposite effect of anxiety, they discover a NEW habit and ‘superpower’ that creates success and reinforces it!

Change your Identity and use of your Imagination

The most powerful change occurs when an identity shift occurs from sabotage and self-denial to success and self-appreciation. Here I use my manifestation knowledge and talent as a valuable supplement to hypnotherapy against anxiety.

I achieve this cooperative approach most easily and effectively by using metaphors, which are popular with clients. It is about turning the worst notion, belief and breeding ground of fear and worry about the unwanted into the best notion, conviction and breeding ground of faith in the best, with a focus on what is desired.

Rapid change is experienced when I help the client to take their mis-use of their ‘superpower’ and re-direct it’s use to a positive effect which is opposite to their problem, resulting in good feelings and positive expectations based on a strong, healthy, purposeful and confident identity.

This change is holistic and achieved quickly, deeply and effectively using hypnotherapy for anxiety that anchors change making it lasting!.

Read client stories – here is an example from Frederikke about hypnosis for exam anxiety and low self-confidence:

Hypnotherapy for exam anxiety and self confidence

Frederikke Juncher Høeg - Copenhagen

Multiple consultations over the years

Briefly about Prue

  • Accommodating
  • Understanding
  • Loving
  • Constructive – good at identifying problems and coming up with examples that make it easier to visualize what needs to be worked on
  • Confidence-inspiring
  • Takes time

I have had the pleasure of being a client of Prue’s for a few years.

Prue is always open and quick to find an appointment when I have requested it, often at short notice.

I was with Prue for the first time for hypnotherapy autumn/winter 2018/2019. Prue was looking for clients to take part in the final part of her training, where I was lucky enough to have my mum contact Prue on my behalf – at the time I didn’t even think I needed the help Prue could offer me.

I would describe myself as being very self-aware and goal-oriented, and good at articulating my feelings. Since I am studying a natural science education, with which both as a person and through my studies I am strongly influenced by the natural scientific way of thinking, I have not had much faith in hypnotherapy. That you can work with your subconscious in this way was a completely unknown world to me.

That’s why I initially went into hypnotherapy with a bit of scepticism, but this was quickly laid to rest.

I was greeted by Prue; she is an enormously warm, embracing, present and welcoming person. She listens, is incredibly trustworthy, skilled and competent. She creates a safe environment and an atmosphere that creates the perfect setting for hypnosis.

My problem has been exam anxiety and thus a lack of confidence in my own abilities. I have used Prue on many occasions, at regular intervals, among other things leading up to major exams at my university, where I have needed to let go of the negative and unconstructive thoughts that pervaded. For me, the feelings and thoughts I experienced were all-consuming and destructive. I have experienced in the past that they have prevented me from performing professionally because my head had decided in advance that I could not figure it out. In exam situations, my body was restless, I was scared, sad and resigned. I was stressed and had countless sleepless nights with all kinds of worries flying around in my head.

Hypnotherapy with Prue is the most important and best “card to have at hand”.

I always leave Prue with renewed energy, feel relieved, have gained new perspectives on things, new ways of thinking and looking at my situation, as well as something to work on at home. All after just one or very few sessions.

Prue is incredibly talented and has helped me move mountains and work on issues I never thought possible to work on. She is thorough and always takes her time, and is also efficient in her treatments. Prue is constructive and good at explaining, she uses illustrations and pictures that make it easy for the client to understand and visualize new thoughts and patterns.

I always feel in the best hands with Prue.

Prue is and has helped push me in a good direction, in ways I don’t always fully understand. I have gained insight into my problem, where my exam anxiety originated from.

My experience was that it all fell into place in my head, like beads on a string, it all came together and suddenly it made sense.

Since then, I have started to think much more positively, and experience almost no exam anxiety anymore. Instead, I go to the exam: with an open mind, calm and with confidence in my own abilities – something I never thought possible before. I always get confirmation of that, and more, when I’m with Prue.

I live in Copenhagen, but like to travel across the country to come to Prue.

It’s hard to describe the help Prue has given me so you can understand how amazing it is what Prue can do.

She is and will be the best and most skilled hypnotherapist that I keep coming back to when I face challenges in my life.

Quantum Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Trauma

Substantial scientific evidence has proven the connection between mind, emotions and physical symptoms and disease in the body. Our physical body has an energy field that is determined by the ‘quality’ of our thoughts and feelings (positive or negative). 

Western world medicine today offers emergency life-saving surgeries where chemical or physical stresses on the body can be successfully treated and symptoms controlled, but emotionally created illnesses, which is the category affecting the majority of cases, require the root causes to be treated, which is often not the case.  

We humans have a unique energy field, as our thoughts and emotions are an electromagnetic frequency and it affects our physical bodies. A ‘chronic negative state of being’ is like a well-worn path that prevents the optimal flow of energy of well-being through the body and can become physically evident in the body

Trauma or inherited cellular memory can also result in the energy flowing through the body being impeded. The negative effects of trauma can be the result of a single traumatic event or as a result of continued exposure over time (through childhood for example), such as living in fear or uncertainty, or feeling threatened or unsafe. “Trauma causes fear, and now you act out of fear. Trauma is not what happens to you, it is what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you. Trauma is the scarring that makes you less flexible, more rigid, less sensitive and more on the defensive.” Dr Gabor Mate

Triggers to the past and memories stored in the body’s nervous system can be treated effectively through hypnotherapy and Quantum Hypnosis.

Working with the energy field as I do, can have lasting healing results when the energies that cause illness are released or transformed. Quantum Hypnotherapy is a tool I use that combines, hypnosis, consciousness therapy and lifestyle changes. Holistic treatments like this have shown to offer comprehensive and lasting corrections.

Read Michael’s Experience of Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Trauma at Prue Bach Hypnotherapy and ‘Feel Good Living’ clinic:

Hypnotherapy for trauma, pain and fear of not being good enough- consequences of a terrible childhood

Michael Nielsen, Dairy worker, 59 years old - Holstebro4 sessions

Hi Prue

WOW, what an experience….

I did not in my wildest hope, expect that I could come so far….

I am forever grateful to you that for the first time in 59 years, I am the one who lives and controls my life….

Many, Many THANKS, for your TENACIOUS effort….

I sought help from Prue for stress, depression, low self-esteem and pain from a terrible childhood and the after effects of it.

After 59 years of struggling with vulnerability, I wanted to overcome this vulnerability.

I experienced physical and psychological violence from the time I was born.

The conversations before hypnosis were in-depth and fully professional (MUCH better than with a psychologist).

The hypnosis sessions were a challenge for Prue and for myself. I had an incorrect expectation of hypnosis which I thought was a deep trance. Not being able to visualize images on the internal screen gave me a frustration that Prue constantly had to guide me through.

Everything has changed for me. Now I have to teach myself, to live my life, the right way. The crowd of thoughts is gone. The eternal headache (full head) is gone. My low self-esteem is gone. The vulnerability is gone. I can feel my body now (where has it been?). My inner and outer self fit together now….

All challenges are solved and I feel finished. I always had the feeling that Prue would be the solution to my CHALLENGES….Great that Prue takes the time it takes…. I have ABSOLUTELY, maxed out ALL of my allotted time with you….

I have referred and will refer many to you. Far too many people have pain that they go to doctors and psychologists for years about, which you can solve in 1 month….

But the health system will never recognize your worth, as you are too efficient…

My own doctor wanted to send me to a psychologist. Hypnotist could not be recommended….

THANK YOU SO MUCH for you……….

Love Is The Best Medicine Against Anxiety

Through Louise Hay’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learnt how to create more of what they want in their lives, including more well-being in their body, mind and spirit (holistic approach). Louise describes the psychological causes of physical ailments and developed positive thought patterns to reverse illness and create health.

She travelled around the USA lecturing and facilitating workshops on loving ourselves and healing our lives through it.

Click on the link to see Louise Hay’s list of 🔗’Where Anxiety Lives in the Body’

The mother of Holistic Medicine, Gladys McGarey, MD, also says that love is the answer to healing as the most powerful medicine and is opposed to fear, which blocks love and well-being.

These forerunners support my ‘core concept’ work of ‘Feel Good Living’ by cultivating well-being in the heart and body.

Physical Anxiety Symptoms

  • You feel stressed.
  • Palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, feeling hot or cold, dizziness.
  • Shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, pressure on the chest, pain in the chest.
  • Nausea or stomach upset/discomfort.
  • Muscle tension, stiffness, tremors, restlessness or pain in body and mind.
  • Increased fatigue, drained.
  • Restlessness in mind and/or body, difficulty relaxing, mental tension, difficulty swallowing.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Affects sleep depth and quality and length.
  • Triggered by previous traumas or the burden of the past regarding people or situations that are like a trigger that is a memory, with exposure it gets worse.
  • The body controls and leads to panic attacks without being able to slow down.

Mental Anxiety Symptoms

To Feel:

  • Powerlessness, weakened, inadequate.
  • Lost and disoriented.
  • Want to give up (useless feeling).
  • Depressed, sad, shut down
  • Imposter syndrome, ‘acting as if’, playing a part.
  • Alone, isolated, misunderstood, overlooked, invisible, irrelevant, inferior, left over, redundant, afraid, worried, insecure.
  • Trapped, jailed, inhibited or restricted.
  • Can’tor don’t dare to be me, show or express my true self.
  • Me made small.

Behavioural Anxiety Symptoms

  • Pushing myself.
  • Lack of boundaries towards self/others or misunderstood boundaries.
  • Fighting self and/or the environment.
  • Struggle to survive or hide it from self/others, with hope of winning over it, or reversing it.
  • Push through it or doing X (which triggers the feeling) in spite of it.
  • Trying to make an unhealthy situation work, despite feedback that ‘it’s not good for me’ but do it anyway.
  • Overhear body’s signals and feedback because the mission, facade, results, role or expectations from the outside are judged more important
  • The body is not seen as a trustworthy ‘guide’ or as valuable feedback but more as an ‘annoying limitation’ thus is ignored or managed, often without success.
  • Lack of self-acceptance and self-awareness.
  • Narrowed focus or an exaggerated/unhealthy focus.
  • Avoid behaviour so that discomfort is not triggered.
  • Trying to control the outside (others, situations, experiences).
  • Inappropriate behaviour in relation to anxiety-provoking conditions, especially phobic avoidance behaviour and compulsions, signalling a more ‘escalating’ and debilitating degree of feeling.

FEEL GOOD LIVING -The PRICE of TOLERATED FEAR or Discouragement is high!

What I help clients win over by setting themselves free of it!

  • Paralyzes health and success.
  • Destroys ambitions, aspirations, hopes and opportunities.
  • Causes more failure, disappointment and misery than anything else.
  • Destroys lives, kills more initiatives, destroys more plans or stops more development, confuses more minds, frustrates more purposes, stifles more abilities stifles more talent, breaks more hearts than anything else.
  • Weakens more bodies, destroys more health, sends more people to hospitals and psychiatric wards than anything else.
  • Generates toxins in the body and brain that destroys lives, wastes energy, paralyzes genius, lowers resilience and destroys careers.
  • Steals confidence, happiness and peace of mind.
  • Erects obstacles and barriers to development.
  • Deprives people of abundance and prosperity and the good life.
  • Keeps man in a constant state of want, deficiency, indecision and doubt.
  • Distorts, de-vitalizes, demagnetizes everything in human life.
  • Starves, stunts and dissolves human effort.
  • Keeps millions in mediocrity and ignorance.
  • Can lead to stealing, lying and cheating oneself or others as a force in life that can be difficult to control.

Read what difference hypnotherapy for anxiety made for Betina in her everyday life:

Hypnotherapy for anxiety - with a desire to improve daily life and family relations.

Betina, Social and Health Assistant, 30 years old
5 sessions

Dear Prue

THANK YOU – it has been a pleasure, I am so grateful for your treatment!

You are a wonderful person to work with. You have made it easy for me. Thank you!

I have had 4 sessions with Prue and after 5 months a post session.

My treatment with Prue has changed my life for the better. For several years I have flown in and out of depression and struggled with many personal problems.

Prue has managed to get my inner self back, I feel whole again. I experience a power and strength like never before. I have become rock solid, confident and I dare to stand by my own opinion again.

I believe again that I am good enough!

I have had big problems in my life that I never thought could be solved – but Prue has managed to shift all the pain in mind and body. I never feel these problems anymore.

Prue has helped all the discomfort and anxiety out of my body. I can only give the best and warmest recommendations for Prue – everyone should give themselves a course! It can only give strength, courage and power to one’s life and to the challenges that may arise.


Words previous clients have used to describe their Anxiety:

  • It became apparent the situation had to change.
  • Had it for many years.
  • Unpleasant feeling spread to several other areas of my life and only got worse with time.
  • Negative thoughts became all-consuming and affected multiple things, areas and situations.
  • Became more disabling and damaging.
  • My options became more limited by it.
  • It’s like a bad cycle I couldn’t get out of.
  • My focus became narrow and detailed like getting stuck in a rut.
  • Destructive behaviour that became a way of being and a way of life
  • Perfectionism- where my high expectations or the expectations of others, made me afraid of not being enough or doing enough.
  • Couldn’t find the way myself
  • Focusing on others made me pay the price of self-neglect where I downplayed myself and my unpleasant symptoms.
  • My facade, escape or ‘pretending’, only made the experience more intense and kept me stuck in my life.
  • Lacking understanding of myself and what was happening stopped me from learning how it could be different.

Typical treatment is between 1-2 sessions to treat a phobia otherwise 3-4 sessions.

Read the testimonials of clients about their success with hypnosis and hypnotherapy for anxiety:

Hypnosis for anxiety, depression and low self-esteem

Ditte Højland, CEO, 30 years old
4 sessions

I wanted help for low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

What I wanted was to find a more sustainable way of living, where I didn’t keep falling into the same negative thought patterns.

It has been recurring throughout my adult life, but it has been very difficult to deal with for the past 2-3 months.

I finished treatment on 05.10.2022.

The conversations before the hypnosis session were very inspiring and helped me gain a better understanding of my own process. I was surprised that some insights that I had not been able to get clear on my own, stood out very clearly in these conversations, and took root in a completely different way. I experienced Prue as very committed and empathetic and the conversations gave me a feeling of being able to succeed in the change I was looking for.

The experience of the hypnosis sessions was very pleasant. Even when negative emotions were in focus, I felt confidently guided through the experience. I had some big aha experiences, where problems I had not recognized as particularly significant at all, turned out to be enormously significant. I would not have been able to work with these problems without hypnosis, as it would be too difficult to get behind my convictions about the causes of the issues in my life.

Mental symptoms-

I have become much happier and have gained a completely different inner peace and strength to feel for what is good for me. It has become much easier for me to accept myself.

Physical symptoms –

I have gained more energy and have become better at feeling e.g. hunger and fatigue, which I had difficulty reacting to previously. This means that my blood sugar is much more stable and I sleep better and more at night.

Thought patterns –

My thought patterns have completely changed. I have not had anxiety attacks at all, which I had almost daily before the course. I think much more lovingly about myself.

Behavioral patterns, ways of doing things, habits –

I have become much better at acting appropriately on what my intuition tells me. I’ve gotten better at setting boundaries

The hypnosis treatments and the conversations prior to hypnosis have worked and had a very positive effect and yes, I have finished treatment for what I came for!

Prue was both present and inspiring to talk to, and was good at shifting and changing my experience of myself and my problems in a very insightful way.

There is nothing that could have been better or that I wished was done differently.

It was a professional and competent approach to the treatment and a high level of service.

I would definitely recommend Prue and have already done so several times!

Hypnosis for anxiety, bad conscience and envy

Monica, Retiree, 64 years old - Vejle
4 sessions

I started with an anxiety problem. But while in conversations with Prue, other problems have also arisen, such as bad conscience toward my children and feelings of envy.

I have had different experiences which have shown me that I had to change something. I have had it for many years.

It was a long and intensive conversation with Prue. I could tell my whole story without feeling stressed or rushed. Prue has hit the right issues with her questions, plus we were able to find out that there were more issues than just anxiety.

At first it was a strange sensation that I could not open my eyes during hypnosis, although I heard and felt everything else. But after some time, I could open up completely and everything could come out of me. It hurt and I felt very vulnerable, but understood that was necessary for the therapy.

I feel my change in that I got a completely different image of myself. I have become much more positive about myself. I learnt other thought patterns. I got to know the cat and the lion, and work on things with the two of them. I’m not so afraid anymore.

I have come to Prue with anxiety problems and ended up with solutions for several other problems.

The hypnosis treatments and conversations have absolutely had a positive effect.

I feel like a whole new person, free of anxiety and in processing other reasons/issues.

I’m successfully treated.

Prue is an absolutely fantastic therapist. She has opened me up and has given me so much help, even after the treatment with many good thoughts. Today I can continue to work with all the tools she taught me.

I am so grateful for her therapy.

Nothing could have been better or wanted differently.

There was a professional and competent approach to the treatment and a high level of service.

I would certainly recommend Prue Bach and hypnotherapy to others.

I heard very positive things about Prue before, so I chose Prue and it turned out to be right.

Thank you very much

Hypnosis for exam anxiety


Hi Prue

I’ve just had an exam. I wasn’t as nervous as I used to be. Have been sleeping restlessly, but nothing compared to how it usually is. I went out with a number 12, so am so satisfied.
Thank you very much for your help, I am so happy with the progress I can already see and feel.

Friendly Regards

Hypnosis for fear of not being good enough or doing it good enough

Amalie Buhl, 23år
5 sessions

Dearest Prue

You are one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. You are so competent, so communicative, so committed, so authentic, so alive. Deeply fascinating!

There you stood… It didn’t take me long to spot your warm smile and contagious laugh, your caring and loving radiance and your sincere presence. It didn’t take me long to find the peace in my stomach to let you in and let you get really close… It felt safe, it felt trusting.

I came to you Prue because I felt powerless, unhappy, inadequate and extremely scared for not doing things well enough. Powerless and unhappy as a result of not been allowed to study medicine, which I had been chasing all my life, at all costs. Suddenly my body said no, completely no. I felt the identity crisis. Excruciating. The feeling of inadequacy and the fear of not doing well enough at my new study. If I can’t become a doctor, I must at least become a recognized, dedicated and skilled nurse, because if I can’t just do that, then what can I do? I felt like a failure, I was fumbling blindly and I pushed myself to the limit. My body bombarded me with danger signals, but I was obsessed with proving that I was capable, so of course all the syllabus pages had to be read. My perfectionism was eating me up, but I had no choice. I had to grit my teeth.

Now I communicate in the past tense, as if the whole thing is a finished chapter. It is not, I still think it is difficult, but I am in an active process with desire and courage for even more change and I have never been there before. Early in the process, I felt a – for me decisive – change in relation to my previous, inappropriate, narrow-minded perspective regarding career and success. With an eye for helping people ‘to get to know oneself’, you made me discover the 99 other possible paths and psychologically I felt a new and foreign acceptance of and joy that these new doors opened for me. It felt indescribably nice, safe and gave me a unique sense of calm inside.

Your message that I must not label my “failed” attempt at medical school as a failure, but instead interpret it as a positive experience, I simply can ‘reject as the right path to happiness and well-being for me’, has resonated inside me. It is a message that has become part of my mindset and part of my coping strategies when I am confronted with my cat triggers.

Completely impractical, I have noticed several times how at school I suddenly – both physically and mentally – allow myself to surrender myself completely to an exciting subject. I am overflowing with passionate and happy feelings that can hardly wait to become a hatched nurse. This liberating feeling helps to create my well-being. You have enabled me to speak my new language, you have given me tools to accommodate and explore new thoughts and reflections, abilities to expand my perspective and courage to let in new things. Think, I have become the winner of that unique gift. With practice, I believe that one day I will succeed in becoming ‘unconsciously competent’. It all starts with the thoughts, as Dr. Joe Dispenza describes it. New thoughts lead to new decisions, and new decisions create new behavior, new behavior leads to new experiences, and new experiences create new emotions. And it is precisely the emotions that control our lives and become our reality.

As you yourself describe it to me: The inside creates the outside. You have given me the conditions so that I can create an appropriate interior. I have won a lot. Not least, I have gained the belief that I can create my own path as long as I get to know myself and dare to be true to myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I would like to thank the problem that was the reason I sought you out, because a part from that problem, this solution and my change would never have happened. You have taught me that “problems CREATE solutions” – so thank you for that!

The warmest, most loving and deeply grateful greetings.

Hypnosis for being afraid - in general and afraid of losing

Mette Hornskov Nielsen, Technical Designer, 29 years old - Jelling
4 sessions

I wanted help to be happy, confident and not afraid of losing. I didn’t feel good going to work.

I’ve had it bad for many years. I’ve worked really hard to forget what it felt like to be me. I was in a bad relationship until I turned 21.

The process started with me having to tell about myself. Prue asked about my life and what I have experienced. It was really pleasant to talk to Prue as she seemed genuinely interested in hearing what my problems were and gave explanations as to why I had a stomach ache and explained how powerful the power of thought is.

The hypnosis itself the first time was a wild experience – the hypnosis was very rewarding and I could see it for myself. Prue is really good at guiding you and keeping you on track. I was full of energy and joy after the first hypnosis session and thought it was the right choice to ask the establishment for help.

The next sessions were a bit scary for me and I was completely afraid that it would not get better as I actually became sad after number 2 and 3 hypnosis session. Prue explained again how much happens inside the body and I had probably hoped for a quick fix. She talked about new pathways that are created inside the brain when the new methods that I have learned are used. I now think a lot about being the lion and not the cat.

The last session we had was very rewarding and I now have a peace in my body that I have not felt for a long time.

I used to have thoughts all the time that said I wasn’t good enough – that thought pattern I feel is almost “forgotten” or hidden further away. It’s so wonderful.

I’ve gotten better at thinking ‘delete’ or it’s not my problem but someone else’s. I’m learning to be more selfish. I suffered from daily stomach aches and tremors due to anxiety. It’s much better because I don’t think so much anymore.

I have become better at taking care of myself and thinking about what I want and not what others want me to do. It’s a completely different world to live in.

I think more positively and don’t have swarms of thoughts like before and if it comes up I’ve learned how to get out of it again.

I know it’s not a quick fix but a new way of seeing the world.

I have been hospitalized twice this year with inflammation of the renal pelvis and Prue has told me that anxiety is (in the kidneys)

My stomach works better after having this treatment with Prue and I am really happy about that.

My time with Prue has taught and changed me for the postive with many more good thoughts and a method to stop bad ones.

I would definitely recommend hypnosis to others.

Prue is really good at listening and explaining things if you come up with problems that you don’t understand yourself.

There was a very professional and competent approach to the treatment.

I would definitely recommend Prue Bach to others. I really felt heard and seen.

Dear Prue, Thank you very much for your great help. It means so much! THANKS

Hypnosis for fear, anger, sorrow and unrest

Janne Dyg
4 sessions

Dear Prue

I came to you with a very heavy backpack, full of anger, sadness, anxiety and worry.

We started our first meeting on 7/6 and ended on 5/7/21 after 4 sessions.

You have made me a whole person again, with your great empathy, care and skill.

You helped me learn to be me and not least to dare to be me. It has changed my everyday life.

I now know how to deal with my anxiety and my thinking pattern is becoming more beautiful day by day. 

My behaviour has changed so that I take care of myself.

I can take up my shield when there is something I don’t want to take in, which is an invaluable help..

Both the conversations and the hypnosis sessions were carried out by you with great professionalism..

 I have nothing but praise for you Prue as a person. You are so  professionally skilled. 

A big 13 from me to you….



Janne Dyg