Hypnosis for Trauma, Bad Feelings and Relationships

What is it I am experiencing that I want hypnosis or hypnotherapy to relieve or transform?

It can be a nagging feeling that plagues you where therapy via hypnotherapy can help like:

a hole that needs to be filled up, a restlessness you want to be free of, an escape from a feeling of pressure or responsibility that feels too much, an attempt to ignore or escape life or dysfunction, wanting to numb a feeling of inadequacy, self loathing or pain, or accepting less than you know is possible! It can be described as:

  • Feeling an uncomfortable gap between the unwanted I have and the wanted I desire 
  • Feeling the need for change but not owning it because change is experienced as negative​
  • Feeling inauthentic and like an impostor by pretending or avoiding what’s not working​
  • Feeling resistance/a block due to ‘chronic’ negativity and/or discomfort
  • Feeling trapped in the past
  • Feeling held back by the ‘old’​
  • Feeling unable to find the answers even though I’ve tried to and want to​
  • Feeling limited by disbelief due to previous failed attempts​
  • Feeling like a ‘victim’ even though I don’t want to
  • ​Feeling limited by a lack of belief and/or confidence​
  • Feeling unworthy​
  • Feeling competitive or dissatisfied due to comparisons with others​
  • Feeling disempowered due to self-critique, judgement and/or fault-finding​
  • Feeling lonely or alone or isolated​
  • Feeling empty or overwhelmed​
  • Feeling burdened by a life of being a pleaser​

Without better strategies, we can distract ourselves TEMPORAILY from these unpleasant feelings and try to feel good by indulging in unhealthy behaviours that can lead to an overindulgence that can make the X behaviour problematic such as over eating of food or sugar or drinking too heavily. 

When the ‘real issue’ or cause is continually and chronically avoided or ignored it can result in depression, low self-worth and/or confidence, stress, anxiety, bodily distress syndrome, paranoia, isolation, eating disorders, weight gain, insomnia or where it becomes physical as with pain, illness or disease (dis-ease).

These above mentioned personality and/or body changes can be positively affected or reversed as a result of therapy via hypnotherapy.

Read client testimonials of their successful hypnotherapy treatment for trauma, bad feelings or relationships below. 

Here, Michael shares how he successfully beat ‘trying to please others’ with hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis to stop the addiction to please others

Michael Hansen
4 sessions

My name is Michael and I have had the pleasure of going through a hypnotherapy treatment of 4 sessions with Prue Bach at Hypnoseterapi Vejle.

My basic challenges consisted in the fact that for a long time I have depended on others to be happy. I always think of others first and want to solve all their problems and make sure they were ok before I could “allow” myself to be happy. I wanted to change this so that my happiness would come more from myself and not depend on everyone else.

Throughout the treatment, we have worked both on the conscious mind through conversations and the subconscious mind through hypnosis. I have previously been to a regular psychologist and I think that hypnotherapy is much more effective. Working on both levels yields much better results.

Working on myself is a lifelong process, but through my time with Prue, I have taken the next big step and I am ready to make some necessary changes in my life.

I can really strongly recommend Prue, as I think she is, firstly, insanely skilled and pleasant as a therapist, but also, secondly, has the ability to make the process personal and focus on exactly what I need.

I think everyone could benefit from a course with Prue. Everyone has some things that they struggle with and it is a huge release to suddenly become aware of what is holding you back. Throw it out and start a new chapter with yourself. If you are in doubt as to whether this might be for you, then my recommendation would be, to just do it.

An investment in oneself is, in my opinion, the best investment you can make.


Read Else’s testimonial of her success with hypnotherapy for depression and low self-esteem below.

Additonal areas of change where hypnotherapy is an effective treatment of conditions, feelings or relationships are:

Hypnotherapy for the effective release of pain due to past trauma including- 

PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), divorce, separation, abuse, loss, addiction, bullying, feeling different; not being seen, heard or understood, illness, social isolation, regret, sexual dysfunction, a forced change, relocation or being fired.

Hypnotherapy for the effective treatment of the negative effects of the past by transforming ‘chronic’ patterns of Negative Feelings such as

Fear, anger, revenge, shame, guilt, grief, apathy, despair, insecurity, unworthiness, jealousy/envy, hatred, uncertainty, boredom, frustration, impatience, overwhelm, overload, worry, doubt, blame, sadness, sorrow, disempowerment, discouragement, defeat, disappointment.

Hypnotherapy to improve troubled or broken relationships: 

at work, 

with family or in-laws, 

with a friend or partner or 

in a social setting.

Hypnotherapy for low self-esteem, guilt and shame after multiple depressions

Else Høppner, Retiree, 68 years old
4 sessions

After several depressions, my self-esteem was very low. I suffered feeling guilt and shame.

I wanted to be present in life with joy.

The first depression started 18 years ago.

I got a very positive impression after the first session.

After each session I was reaffirmed in my decision to do something for myself and my family instead of a trip south. Every session was a huge eye-opener, many things fell into place within me.

I dared to face everyday life and see that I am not to blame for how I have felt for many years. Physically, I haven’t felt a change, maybe I enjoy nature a little more than before. My thoughts do not revolve around the past and the shame of having had to give up work and my everyday life that I had before my first depression. I am happier and don’t have to play comedy to cover up how I feel. I have found that the world does not end ‘even if the napkins do not match the tablecloth.’

The hypnosis experiences were both good, but also scary. They put my thoughts in motion and I came to realize that what I thought was to blame for how I feel, and might not be as meaningful after all.

The conversations and hypnosis treatments have had a very positive effect. I have realized that there is another path that I can follow. Before I only saw the bars in front of me (jail), now I can look sideways and choose differently (set myself free).

Whether I have successfully completed my process, only time can tell. I feel free and completely ready to live my life. After the 2nd session I didn’t have high expectations, I felt exposed, many of the things that came up I had repressed, but it all fell into place in the next sessions.

Prue is quite simply amazing. Her enthusiasm and empathy is completely unique, very professional and competent.

She always had an agenda, but no more fixed than there was time to dwell on the things that came up during the conversations.

I couldn’t wish for more or better than what we jointly created each time.

The surroundings are safe and you feel very welcome.

As you can probably see, I am very satisfied with the process and will certainly recommend you to others. Thank you for an enriching and good experience.

Quantum Hypnotherapy for trauma or bodily dysfunction

Substantial scientific evidence has proven the connection between mind, emotions and physical symptoms and disease in the body (dis-ease). Our physical body has an energy field that is determined by the ‘quality’ of our thoughts and feelings (positive or negative).

Western world medicine today offers emergency life-saving surgeries where chemical or physical stresses on the body can be successfully treated and symptoms controlled, but emotionally created illnesses, which are thee category affecting most cases, require the root causes to be treated, which is often not the case.

We humans have a personal energy field, as our thoughts and emotions make up an electromagnetic frequency that affects our physical environment including our bodies. A chronic ‘negative state of being’ is like a well worn (neurological) path and behaviour pattern that prevents the optimal flow of energy of well-being. This can become physically evident in the body showing up as illness, dis-ease or as a bodily dysfunction.

Trauma or inherited cellular memory can also result in impeded energy flow through the body. The negative effects of trauma can be a result of a single traumatic event or as a result of continued exposure over time (throughout childhood for example), such as living in fear or uncertainty, or feeling threatened or unsafe. “Trauma causes fear and now you act out of fear. Trauma is not what happens to you, it is what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you. Trauma is the scarring that makes you less flexible, more rigid, less sensitive and more defensive.” Dr Gabor Mate

Triggers to the past and memories stored in the body’s nervous system can be treated effectively with hypnotherapy and ‘Quantum Hypnosis’ (Energy Psychology) which is my specialty (read more under ‘Quantum Hypnosis’).

Working with the energy field as I do, can have lasting healing results when the energies that cause illness are released or transformed. Quantum Hypnotherapy combined with ‘conscious’ therapy (mental fitness and mindfulness) and lifestyle changes show that holistic treatments offer comprehensive and lasting corrections.


Read Michael’s experience of hypnotherapy against anxiety and trauma at Prue Bach Hypnotherapy and ‘Feel Good Living’ clinic below.

Hypnotherapy for low self-esteem, trauma, pain and depression- consequences of a terrible childhood

Michael Nielsen, Dairy worker, 59 years old - Holstebro
4 sessions

Hi Prue

WOW, what an experience….

I did not in my wildest hope, expect that I could come so far….

I am forever grateful to you that for the first time in 59 years, I am the one who lives and controls my life….
Many, Many THANKS, for your TENACIOUS effort….

I sought help from Prue for stress, depression, low self-esteem and pain from a terrible childhood and the after effects of it.

After 59 years of struggling with vulnerability, I wanted to overcome this vulnerability.
I experienced physical and psychological violence from the time I was born.

The conversations before hypnosis were in-depth and fully professional (MUCH better than with a psychologist).

The hypnosis sessions were a challenge for Prue and for myself. I had an incorrect expectation of hypnosis which I thought was a deep trance. Not being able to visualize images on the internal screen gave me a frustration that Prue constantly had to guide me through.

Everything has changed for me. Now I have to teach myself, to live my life, the right way. The crowd of thoughts is gone. The eternal headache (full head) is gone. My low self-esteem is gone. The vulnerability is gone. I can feel my body now (where has it been?). My inner and outer self fit together now….

All challenges are solved and I feel finished.

I always had the feeling that Prue would be the solution to my CHALLENGES….
Great that Prue takes the time it takes…. I have ABSOLUTELY, maxed out ALL of my allotted time with you….

I have referred and will refer many to you. Far too many people have pain that they go to doctors and psychologists for years about, which you can solve in 1 month….
But the health system will never recognize your worth, as you are too efficient…
My own doctor wanted to send me to a psychologist. Hypnotist could not be recommended….

THANK YOU SO MUCH for you……….

Hypnotherapy for relief of suffering from sadness and panic attacks- close to giving up!

Anja Krabbe
4 sessions

Dear Prue, thank you from the bottom of my heart for a fantastic journey over the past 5 weeks.
I write this greeting to you with tears of joy because I don’t think anyone has ever given me such a great gift, I don’t know how to thank you enough.

Here is my brief description of our process:
I contacted Prue during the summer holidays for help.
I struggled with anxiety, lack of self-esteem. I couldn’t take it anymore, was tired of fighting and had kind of given up inside. However, I knew that I might have a chance with hypnotherapy! My youngest daughter has been in therapy herself and it has given her so much, plus all her anxiety is gone and it’s been over a year since she went to hypnotherapy.
I had to try and wrote an email and sent it off.
I was called by Prue who told me that she would like to help me and we agreed on 4 sessions I should come.

My problem was, as I said, anxiety and a lack of faith in myself, which was often expressed through panic attacks (sweaty hands, dry mouth and an inner feeling of not being good enough).
Today I find it difficult to remember how I was 5 weeks ago, so much positive has happened inside me and it is such a fantastic feeling.

I was unsure when I started who I was, was confused, was nervous about whether I was doing something wrong, etc. I am surprised at how quickly I changed course and over the time of my 4 sessions I have been surprised each time by how much has filled my life and how amazing it is to get rid of the past and let go of it.

The hypnotherapy has taught me about my life, what I have been missing and where I should find myself, my strength, calmness, joy and will to find ‘the lion me’ and bring it out into the light.

Prue has shown me the way and she is incredibly talented and I am deeply impressed by what she has done for me. I give Prue 10 out of 10.

I will miss you Prue and thank you for your support.

You have shown me the way to what I could not find. I feel free now, relieved, happy, ready to work on and keep strengthening myself, now I know the way.

Big hugs from me,
Kind regards,
Anja Krabbe

Hypnosis for clarity to find cause and connection between feelings and actions

Anne Dorte Wiin Sørensen
4 sessions

Dear Prue

Thank you very much for another fantastic time together and all your help and support.

When I sit down in front of you and talk about my feelings and thoughts, it is a gift to have your help in finding the cause and the connection between the feelings and the actions. Connections that I would not have found myself. For me, it is precisely the link between feeling and action and thought that gives me an understanding of my own situation and thus an acceptance.

It is a gift to know that I myself have all the answers and that I can get and achieve exactly what I want with the power of my thoughts. I use positive thinking and meditation every day as you recommended. It can be a bit difficult for me some days to find peace in a meditation, but I know my body needs it, and most importantly; I feel good!

I feel the joy in my body, the love for Simon, the hope and faith in the future, my energy has started to return, and now I act, on everything. I feel my body, thank it for the feedback, and then say yes/no. It has been a bit bombastic for my surroundings to feel how I have taken control of my own life, and only do what serves me, and do nothing for everyone else’s sake (which both I and others have been used to before).

I am the Lion in my life, and this lion I cultivate and take care of.

Thanks for helping me get the Lion in me back again.

You are doing a very big and important job in helping other people. I am so grateful and happy for all your help.

Love from
Anne Dorte Wiin Sørensen

Hypnotherapy for anxiety - with a desire to improve daily life and family relations.

Betina, Social and Health Assistant, 30 years old 5 sessions

Dear Prue

THANK YOU – it has been a pleasure, I am so grateful for your treatment!

You are a wonderful person to work with. You have made it easy for me. Thank you!

I have had 4 sessions with Prue and after 5 months a post session.

My treatment with Prue has changed my life for the better. For several years I have flown in and out of depression and struggled with many personal problems.

Prue has managed to get my inner self back, I feel whole again. I experience a power and strength like never before. I have become rock solid, confident and I dare to stand by my own opinion again.

I believe again that I am good enough!

I have had big problems in my life that I never thought could be solved – but Prue has managed to shift all the pain in mind and body. I never feel these problems anymore.

Prue has helped all the discomfort and anxiety out of my body. I can only give the best and warmest recommendations for Prue – everyone should give themselves a course! It can only give strength, courage and power to one’s life and to the challenges that may arise.THANK YOU!

Hypnotherapy for life crisis management - releasing the feelings of the past

Henriette Edri, Self-employed, 44 years old - Kolding
4 sessions

I came to Prue after my ex-husband had kidnapped my children abroad, and after a long and exhausting court case where I now faced having to get used to a new reality that I had no idea how to be in.

I wanted to allow myself to live a good life under the circumstances, and connect with the inexhaustible universal source of goodness that I know exists. I needed help to let go of my anger, self-blame, worry and find joy in life again.

Find the strength to be the best version of myself for my children’s sake, but also my own.

My earlier marriage was of a traumatic nature, and the feelings that emerged in therapy had been present for at least the last 10 years.

I had chosen to come to Prue because I had already met her in connection with her helping my husband’s nephew from Israel in a hypnotherapeutic treatment in Sep 2019. The initial conversations were comprehensive, inspiring, with a huge amount of knowledge behind them, and have opened and expanded an infinite world of inspiration and positive thinking.

My sessions were amazing!! The inner space in which I found myself, and the journey there, was an indescribable experience. I felt at ease with everything that happened and constantly had an overwhelming feeling of being in the best hands.

I am happier and more positive.

I have been able to partially let go of a burden that another person has represented for me, and it feels like I can breathe again. And when I fall back into old patterns, I can recognize that this is what is happening and now have tools to shut down all the “noise” in my head, and find my way back to where I want to be.

I often had claustrophobic thoughts, which I no longer have.

A limitation that we also worked with was my ability to drive. On the one hand, I love the freedom of it, and on the other hand, I often experienced an inexplicable fear in connection with driving. I haven’t had that since either.

The hypnotherapy sessions with Prue are the best thing I have ever done for myself, a true life changer.

I sincerely feel that in hypnotherapy there is the solution and the answer to how we as humans can find our way back to the right path and live a full and rich life.

In continuation of how good an experience I have had, my husband and I gave my husband’s daughter a course with Prue of 4 sessions. That sums up very well how satisfied and happy I am that our paths have crossed.

When you meet a person who does what they feel deep down is the only right thing for them to do, everything comes from the heart. And that’s how I experienced every encounter with Prue. She creates a safe and enriching space for self-development and gives a gift that goes far beyond the time spent in therapy itself. I feel a new confidence and security in the world because I know I can always return if I need to.

So yes, I will and continue to recommend Prue and hypnotherapy in the knowledge that good things must be shared with each other.

The only thing I would have liked differently was that the self-hypnosis recording I had with me at home to listen to between our meetings was with Prue’s voice. It makes good sense that the voice you listen to in the treatments is also the voice you listen to on the audio at home.

Hypnosis for anxiety, bad conscience and envy

Monica, Retiree, 64 years old - Vejle
4 sessions

I started with an anxiety problem. But while in conversations with Prue, other problems have also arisen, such as bad conscience toward my children and feelings of envy.

I have had different experiences which have shown me that I had to change something. I have had it for many years.

It was a long and intensive conversation with Prue. I could tell my whole story without feeling stressed or rushed. Prue has hit the right issues with her questions, plus we were able to find out that there were more issues than just anxiety.

At first it was a strange sensation that I could not open my eyes during hypnosis, although I heard and felt everything else. But after some time, I could open up completely and everything could come out of me. It hurt and I felt very vulnerable, but understood that was necessary for the therapy.

I feel my change in that I got a completely different image of myself. I have become much more positive about myself. I learnt other thought patterns. I got to know the cat and the lion, and work on things with the two of them. I’m not so afraid anymore.
I have come to Prue with anxiety problems and ended up with solutions for several other problems.

The hypnosis treatments and conversations have absolutely had a positive effect.
I feel like a whole new person, free of anxiety and in processing other reasons/issues.
I’m successfully treated.

Prue is an absolutely fantastic therapist. She has opened me up and has given me so much help, even after the treatment with many good thoughts.

Today I can continue to work with all the tools she taught me.
I am so grateful for her therapy.

Nothing could have been better or wanted differently.

There was a professional and competent approach to the treatment and a high level of service.

I would certainly recommend Prue Bach and hypnotherapy to others.
I heard very positive things about Prue before, so I chose Prue and it turned out to be right.

Thank you very much!

Hypnosis to help create a positive change

Anne-Lene Rye Andersen

Dear Prue,

Thank you so much for being my mentor and guide on the way to positive change. It has been truly insightful and life changing.

I will return with a feedback with my comments about the process.

There is still much to learn, but the foundations have been laid and I will continue on the same track.

Good to know that I can contact you again if I feel the need for additional help to move forward on the right track.

Thank you for all your direct teaching and many metaphors. I’m a fan of your spiritual/holistic view of life – I’ve learned a lot from it.

Many greetings,
Anne-Lene Rye Andersen

Hypnosis to help let go of the past

Anni Hermansen

Dear Prue

Now a few days have passed where I have tested myself…..and it still works.

I feel happy, have a lot of energy and I am still practicing speaking up and calling my lion.

Nice meditation file you sent me.

It was a wonderful collaboration we had, and I think you are a talented, inspiring and empathetic therapist. I would recommend you at any time.

Have you seen the movie LION?

THANK YOU for this time.

With love, Anni Hermansen – Tørring

Who sought help to release the negative effects of her past and relationships

Hypnosis for depression and burden of guilt and self-blame regarding relationships

Henriette, Otterup
5 sessions

Hi Prue

First I want to thank you for your patience with me, I know it can be frustrating to sit with a person who can’t answer or express their feelings, but as I said, there’s probably a long way to go before I can feel again, since you say so rightly, it has been a long time that I have been in the same ‘Cat state’ and must learn to choose the good path and those thoughts toward it.

Regarding my progress with you, I can tell you that everything is fine now, since I still have my black holes, but what you have given me is that I have to get out of those holes and it has to be fast, so that I mustn’t go into the depressed state. That I have to change and I can do that just by changing my thoughts to something good..
It also occurred to me that I have actually attracted the same thing as a victim, even though I have taken responsibility, so now I know that I have to change my thoughts and feelings in order to attract the good in the universe.
It was a big thing to realize
because I thought I was doing the right thing by being good and orderly…
But I understand now, so thank you for that.

I know that I have a lot of work to do in my everyday life to get into a rhythm with the good thoughts and stay in them. But it is work that I have to do myself and that it will take some time, but just the fact that you have made me aware of it and that I have understood it and realized it, makes a big, big difference.

So thank you for your co-operation and thank you for giving me something to work with and I know that in the long run it will really help me….

I will call if I need a follow up later and until then, be well and take care of yourself.

I will definitely recommend you to others and have done so too…

With love, “Lion” Henriette

Hypnosis to achieve peace from the past and relationships

Clara Torp, HR Manager, 34 years old
4 sessions

I wanted to find my self-irony, which I had lost during my period of stress. It also meant that I had to look at why I was so touchy and sensitive during ordinary conversation and comments.

I wanted to find peace in my life and a natural approach to humor and conversation. I definitely did not want to be influenced by everyday colleagues and friends as negatively as I was experiencing.
I have felt like this for a long time, approx. 4-6 months.

Prue has been really good at finding my problem. She has looked at my past, present and desire for the future and based on her assessment she has used tools toexplain how balance in my mind empowers me from ‘cat to lion’ frequency.

I am very satisfied and impressed with Prue’s approach to the task of finding my “I” in all of my mess. I have had sessions that were hard but also really good, very enlightening and sessions that have moved me forward a lot. I have under all sessions had full confidence in Prue’s qualities as a hypnotist and person.

Mental symptoms-
I have found a balance in my FM frequency (Lion), where today it is difficult to move to AM frequency (Cat). Mentally, I have become stable and can participate normally in conversations as I could before my stress.

Thought patterns-
My thought pattern from before has evaporated, where I no longer post comments and conversations directly on myself as a person, which previously made me a cat on a’ AM frequency.’ Now I am free of feeling like conversation is directly aimed at me personally, so I can therefore avoid ‘any strange things’ in conversations without problems. I have got peace and balance in mind.

Behavior patterns-
I can laugh again in conversations, and can see the fun in things that go wrong and have got a simple approach to my behavior when with other people. It’s like I found my ‘let it go’ button.

Behaviors and habits-
Much more is needed before I am forced to act on the development of a conversation, and I have a control over my body that I had lost in my stress period. I can find peace, even when others are in Cat/AM frequency, so I no longer relate to their frequency but keep my own good balance in the Lion/FM frequency instead. Therefore I act sensibly and calmly.

The reason behind my problem lies in several things, both from my relationship with my father in childhood and as a result of my stress in 2019-2020 which exacerbated the problem.

The hypnosis treatments and conversations have worked and had a positive effect.

I have felt since the first session that I have been improving and today I can enjoy

everyday life with self-irony and good conversations where I have peace of mind.

I feel successfully treated for what I came for.

I have previously been in treatment for my psychological problems with my father and was surprised that I hadn’t yet finished treating my psyche with daddy issues. But it was good and positive to get possibly, the last confirmation that his action shall no longer affect me.

Prue was quick to see the problem and also made it clear what I had to do myself to achieve my goals. She listened and asked the right questions that I saw could later be answered during the hypnosis.

I would not change anything, other than hypnotherapy be recognized as a general form of therapy, so you can get a little subsidy 😉 Let’s hope.

I think 100% that there was a professional and competent approach to the treatment and also think that Prue was good at seeing me as the person I am and still give personal professional treatment.

I have never drunk so much water in 2 hours, so I am extremely satisfied with the service.

I would recommend Prue Bach to others.

Clara Torp

Hypnosis for fear, anger, sorrow and unrest

Janne Dyg
4 sessions

Dear Prue

I came to you with a very heavy backpack, full of anger, sadness, anxiety and worry.

We started our first meeting on 7/6 and ended on 5/7/21 after 4 sessions. 

You have made me a whole person again, with your great empathy, care and skill. You helped me learn to be me and not least to dare to be me. It has changed my everyday life. I now know how to deal with my anxiety and my thinking pattern is becoming more beautiful day by day. My behaviour has changed so that I take care of myself. I can take up my shield when there is something I don’t want to take in, which is an invaluable help.

Both the conversations and the hypnosis sessions were carried out by you with great professionalism.

I have nothing but praise for you Prue as a person and your professional skill.

A big 13 from me to you….THANK YOU


Janne Dyg 

Hypnosis for sadness, feeling stuck and being introverted

Anne Dorte Wiin Sørensen
4 sessions

For a period of 10 months, I found myself becoming more and more sad and introverted.

I felt sad, deep in my soul, without necessarily being able to tell why I was sad and felt like I had ended up in one big black hole. I felt paralyzed and had no idea how to move forward, so life made sense again. I wanted to find myself again, to be happy again, to allow and master the negative and depressive thoughts in such a way that I next time they appear, do not end up in the same black hole.

I wanted to move deeper into the understanding of my own feelings and behaviour patterns, to create an understanding of why I felt exactly the way I did.

The conversations before the hypnosis mapped and clarified partly my feelings, my behaviour and not least the challenges I unconsciously had taken with me all my life. Several times during these conversations, I suddenly experienced a meaning with things.

Hypnosis sessions were based on the conversations before the hypnosis, which created a sense of security for me. I got a lot of images in my head during the hypnosis sessions, which I couldn’t always explain or add a deeper meaning to at the time. But after each hypnosis session, I experienced a deeper understanding of my past and feelings that have been unprocessed baggage. It’s been insanely hard to feel all these emotions again, and work with them, but it’s been worth it. I am amazed at how much effect each hypnosis session has had on me.

I feel happy and relieved and have discovered the effect of the power of thought.

I am smiling and happy again.

I am not so tired anymore.

have energy to do things that are good for me.

I have found joy in training again, and have less body pain.

I automatically think much more positively.

I take challenges much easier.

I am still affected by other people’s negativity, which makes me distance myself from this in a natural way, and unconsciously try to speak positivity into other people’s challenges and negative attitudes.

I have turned my paralysis into action, and generally think very positively about myself, which I was made clear I didn’t do before.

Prue helped me get to the core of the problem, which was poor self-esteem. It came as a big surprise to me that this was my problem, but when I had time to go into all the feelings guided by Prue, I could easily see that this was where my problem was.

The Hypnosis treatments have had a huge effect on me. I believe this was my rescue out of the black hole. Prue showed me the way, and guided me through, in a safe and secure way. I have put the victim role aside, forgiven and now feel I can breathe again without an elephant sitting on my chest.

I have learned to trust myself and my gut feeling, and now I know that I am good enough exactly as I am. I have turned my thoughts, feelings and behaviour around, and feel like a completely different person, which my relatives can also feel.

I had many aha experiences and connections as I suddenly had a greater understanding of previous experiences.

Prue is fantastically good at listening and being present. She hears what you are trying to express and also what you have difficulty putting into words. She says the right things in a really good way. She creates a space of safety where everything is allowed and I feel taken care of.

I have already recommended Prue to many and I know that one is already in treatment with Prue and is so happy about it.

Hypnotherapy for sugar addiction and release of trauma

Jeanette Therkildsen - Kolding
4 sessions

I was in treatment with Prue for 4 sessions.

I wanted to get rid of my huge sugar addiction – which I have had since my very early teenage years and thereby also get rid of a few kilos.

In collaboration with Prue, I really succeeded in getting a different angle on sugar – an understanding of why I did what I did as well as a completely NEW INTERNAL understanding that sugar does not benefit me in any way. It gave me an understanding that by letting sugar go I can get even more out of life.

Now, 14 days after our time together, I can state that I have had virtually no withdrawals, and my desire for food has changed in a significantly healthier direction, which means that I have already lost weight.

During our 4 sessions together, we really effectively cleaned up the traumas from my whole life that lay behind my issues.

Prue has a fantastic radiance and is full of positive energy. She is keenly perceptive and quick, in a fine combination with great empathy. At the same time, she manages to create a safe environment.

I am impressed with Prue’s skills and can highly recommend her