What hypnotherapy treats

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is a tool I use at Prue Bach Hypnotherap and Feel Good Living clinic in Vejle to create effective change in three areas: 

  1. Therapy – for treating unpleasant feelings, relationships, conditions or experiences from the past
  2. Behavioural – to transform or treat bad habits or overindulgence
  3. Success Optimization (increasing capacity of current resources) – to ‘boost’ performance and results through self-relationship work by combining the effect of hypnosis and self-hypnosis with conscious work (Mental Fitness and Mindfulness). The joy clients have with my method is, as a result of, a combination of ‘mindset AND inner knowledge and wisdom’ which is intuition. Our hypnotic work guides us to WHICH MINDSET (Mental Fitness) work is optimal to achieve the desired success! Over the years I have gained a lot of experience working with success. This specialty is relevant and suitable for managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, elite athletes and others who are ambitious and want the best for themselves. 

These three areas of change are explained in depth below. 

The 6 areas of hypnosis and hypnotherapy treatment I specialize in are

  • Anxiety, fear and phobias
  • Stress, illness and pain 
  • Weight loss and mental fitness
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Bad habits
  • Trauma, bad feelings and/or relationships

What is it I am experiencing that I want hypnosis or hypnotherapy to relieve or transform?

It can be a nagging feeling that plagues you where therapy via hypnotherapy can help like:

a hole that needs to be filled up, a restlessness you want to be free of, an escape from a feeling of pressure or responsibility that feels too much, an attempt to ignore or escape life or dysfunction, wanting to numb a feeling of inadequacy, self loathing or pain, or accepting less than you know is possible!

It can be described as:

  • Feeling an uncomfortable gap between the unwanted I have and the wanted I desire 
  • Feeling the need for change but not owning it because change is experienced as negative
  • Feeling inauthentic and like an impostor by pretending or avoiding what’s not working
  • Feeling resistance or a block due to ‘chronic’ negativity and/or discomfort
  • Feeling trapped in the past
  • Feeling held back by the ‘old’
  • Feeling unable to find the answers even though I’ve tried to and want to
  • Feeling limited by disbelief due to previous failed attempts​
  • Feeling like a ‘victim’ even though I don’t want to​
  • Feeling limited by a lack of belief and/or confidence​
  • Feeling unworthy​
  • Feeling competitive or dissatisfied due to comparisons with others​
  • Feeling disempowered due to self-critique, judgement and/or fault-finding​
  • Feeling lonely or alone or isolated​
  • Feeling empty or overwhelmed​
  • Feeling burdened by a life of being a pleaser​

Without better strategies, we can distract ourselves TEMPORAILY from these unpleasant feelings and try to feel good by indulging in X. When we overindulge it makes the X behaviour problematic.

Overindulgent behaviour might be:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol abuse​
  • Overworking
  • Engaging in too much TV or ‘screen’ time​
  • Overeating food or sweets​
  • Excessively cleaning​
  • Excessive exercising
  •  Biting of nails, fingers or lips/cheeks
  •  Pulling out our hair (Trichotillomania)
  •  Trying too hard to control the environment
  • Being too appeasing to detriment of self
  •  Ignoring own needs or engaging in self-harm

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can effectively treat or alleviate these behaviours.

When the ‘real issue’ or cause is continually and chronically avoided or ignored it can result in depression, low self-worth and/or confidence, stress, anxiety, bodily distress syndrome, paranoia, isolation, eating disorders, weight gain, insomnia or where it becomes physical as with pain, illness or disease (dis-ease).

These above mentioned personality and/or body changes can be positively affected or reversed as a result of therapy via hypnotherapy.

Another form of discomfort that can be treated effectively with hypnotherapy is anxiety. Living with a phobia can feel like a jail. Hypnotherapy helps treat fear of: flying, dentist/doctor visit, vomiting, spiders, bees/wasps, exams, presentations, needles, illness, driving, horse riding, heights, sleep and being sociable.

Contact me Monday through Friday and let me help you create what you dream of

Additional areas of change where hypnotherapy is an effective treatment of conditions, feelings or relationships are:

Hypnotherapy to effectively release the pain of past trauma including:

PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), divorce, separation, abuse, loss, addiction, bullying, feeling different; not being seen, heard or understood, illness, social isolation, regret, sexual dysfunction, a forced change, relocation or being fired.

Hypnotherapy to effectively transform the negative effects of the past by releasing ‘chronic’ patterns of Negative Feelings such as:

Fear, anger, revenge, shame, guilt, grief, apathy, despair, insecurity, unworthiness, jealousy/envy, hatred, uncertainty, boredom, frustration, impatience, overwhelm, overload, worry, doubt, blame, sadness, sorrow, disempowerment, discouragement, defeat, disappointment.

Hypnotherapy for the improvement of a troubled or broken relationship:

at work,

with family or in-laws,

with a friend or partner or

in a social setting.

Success Optimizational changes I can help you with as a hypnotherapist and manifestation coach involve:

Elevating your mindset (Mental Fitness) and adjusting your relationship with: self (esteem, worth and/or confidence), success, health, wealth, love, joy, fertility, identity, relationships, intimacy, freedom, creation – so you can live at the level of life you desire as the person you want to be!

What sets us free and elevates us is being our authentic self. This enables us to live a real and honest life that represents our true self, where we know ourself well enough and in a way that serves us, so we can live as we want to live! To live as the true creator we are, in control of ourselves, in our life, creating a life that feels good to us!

That is lasting happiness and happiness is success!

If this resonates and you’re ready, I can help you to create the change you desire.

What is hypnosis and hypnotherapy and why is it so effective at creating fast transformation?

Hypnosis is not:

  1. About will or a battle of the will’s between hypnotist and client
  2. About loss of control
  3. About manipulation or deception

My work as a holistic, clinical hypnotherapist involves:

  1. Being a detective collecting the relevant data – what happened, what is unwanted in your current experience and what do you want instead?
  2. Removing the misunderstanding, trauma or limitation – by finding the cause, releasing it and re-framing it. A change in perspective is a life changed!
  3. Assisting in an operational systems update much like a computer coder – assisting in upgrading the dysfunctional software of self-sabotage from the past and replacing it with software of success in the powerful now. As a result you will be on a new path, to a clear destination as a new you!

The hypnotherapeutic practice I use to achieve the above mentioned three things simultaneously and seamlessly in a perfect combination, is the 5-PATH method which stands for “5 Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis”. It is a method that is powerful, effective and systematic in its approach to hypnosis and hypnotherapy that integrates some of the most powerful hypnosis techniques and processes into one complete system. It is results oriented where changes are measurable between sessions and is a distinctive practice not common to all hypnotists.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis refers to an altered state of mind where the mind is open, receptive, focused, attentive and accepts what is said as truth. This leads to corresponding behavior being a reality once in the ‘awake’ state.  Change is incorporated and integrated into all three parts of the mind responsible for creating our reality – the conscious, subconscious (past conditioning) and unconscious mind (our body). These changes are deep, permanent and immediately effective. They translate into change that feels discreet, natural and easy. My working style engages the WHOLE self (holistic self), meaning our three-part physical self – mind, heart and body- and bringing them into harmony with each other in a way that resonates with our non-physical self – our soul (infinite intelligence). This is manifestation and quantum work, that further increases the effectiveness of results.

Why is hypnosis effective?

Our habits of thought and behaviour are two significant contributors to our perception and creation. An upgrade of these under hypnosis makes new creations possible.  The hypnotic state frees the body of its ‘autopilot’ program and re-sets it. In addition to updating the operational system in the subconscious mind, it is also an invaluable source of insight into the cause of dysfunction and sabotage of self.

My role is to be a coach between your subconscious and conscious mind so you understand your block. This insight helps you to consciously reinforce and maintain the desired changes, as the new you. Correction of the old me to the new me in the hypnotic state is so effective that it makes changes that have seemed previously impossible, possible.

Seem too good to be true?

Change is recognized by how it feels (typically lighter and better) and results are often experienced already after the first session, as well as between consecutive sessions.

Contrary to other treatment choices, each session is goal specific and works in succession to create, deep, orderly, integrated and lasting change. This is attractive as it makes it possible to estimate the number of sessions required based on evidence and our experience. Prior to your consultation, we’ll have a conversation to answer any questions as well as assess your needs so as to schedule the appropriate number of sessions required to meet expectations both ways.

Typically clients attend 1-5 sessions. Considering clients present with a problem they have often had for many years, it is a testament to a fast and effective treatment.

The treatment can seem intense as it is concentrated and the effects are rapid unlike other treatments you may have already tried such as medication, visits to your doctor or a coach, psychotherapist, a psychologist or psychiatrist.

What can I expect in the sessions?

My own experience has proven that lasting change is achieved best by engaging the conscious mind as well as the subconscious and unconscious mind in the changes. Clients benefit from my skills as a manifestation coach where I help clients to understand the power of their consciousness and how it shapes their reality. This is what I call ‘Mental Fitness’ with a focus on ‘mindfulness’ and self-hypnosis. Their learning of this personal power engages clients automatically in wanting to take charge of their mind and guide their personal power so it serves them. To meet this criterion, in each session there are conversations prior to hypnosis where we, together come to understand what the contributing factors are to your dissatisfaction and discomfort. It is an important part of your success in hypnosis also (read client stories), so we dedicate the appropriate time necessary. This makes the ‘unconscious’ factors, now conscious. Following the ‘conscious’ work, the appropriate desired changes are addressed in hypnosis to ‘unlearn’ the relevant limiting patterns of the past and replace them with successful and rewarding ones.

Our time together is about half dedicated to ‘conscious’ conversation and half dedicated to hypnotic change. The typical duration of a session for teenagers and adults is 1.5-2 hours per session.

Regards to the ‘effect’ of the altered state of consciousness due to hypnosis, you are more than capable of continuing your typical day after attending your session as the transition back to normal state is achieved after 10-15 minutes.

Ideal client participation is achieved by having a Hypnotic Mindset. This means:

  1. You are ready and strongly motivated for change
  2. You want to create a change for you, rather than on behalf of another
  3. You are expectant, where you have a hope if not a belief, that hypnosis or hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for YOU to create change.
  4. You are willing to engage and be guided in an atmosphere of trust based on rapport. Best results are achieved with ACTIVE participation under hypnosis.
  5. You understand that hypnosis is a state of focused attention and not necessarily a deep trance.

If your visit is based on the recommendation of another, or as a result of having witnessed the success of another which you’d like to experience for yourself, then you already have an ideal ‘Hypnotic Mindset’ as you’re expectant and receptive.

My clinical experience as a full-time hypnotherapist spans over thousands of sessions with clients from ages 13 years – 80+ years, from diverse backgrounds, cultures, education and positions so you are in competent hands (see clients’ stories).

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is validated by science and is now used in hospitals and schools. In addition, the power of thoughts and feelings on our behavior and health is undeniably linked and proven scientifically, as illustrated by Dr Joe Dispenza’s work.

A newspaper article from September 2022 talking about the introduction of hypnosis by an anaesthesist when working with children at Århus University hospital:


Read clients experiences of our sessions in their own words