
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist and Manifestation Coach Prue Bach


Teenagers and adults – extensive experience with ages 13 – 80

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: 1600 (90-120 minutes). Paid per session

4 session hypnotherapy treatment booked: 6.000kr 

5 session hypnotherapy treatment booked: 7.500kr 


Create your NEW YOU and enjoy life as your HIGHER (FULLER) VERSION identity via rapid transformational coaching. 

‘Tell me what you want and I will help you get it!’

The sessions combine – neuroscience, metacognition, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), psychophysiology,  quantum physics, the law of attraction principles, and hypnosis or meditation – as transformative tools. 

Personal development investment: 10.000kr 

Typical: 5 sessions

Quantum Hypnosis: 2100 (2-2.5 hours). Paid per session

Read further under Manifestation Coaching Program:

Read of Andrea’s transformation:

Sessions can be:

  • In-person hypnotherapy or coaching
  • Online hypnotherapy or coaching via Skype, Zoom, Google Meet or FaceTime via computer, laptop or tablet.

Not all hypnotherapists are suited to do online, so choose your hypnotherapist carefully. 

Based on the length of my education, which is Denmark’s longest hypnotherapy education and further education in my field of expertise, I have both the necessary competence and duration, as well as many years of experience, which means I have experienced success with online sessions. Whether online sessions are appropriate, is very individual.

This is an important consideration, as ‘hypnotherapist’ is not a protected title, so do not compromise with your choice of therapist or your treatment.

Payment and cancellation conditions:

OBS: Only cash or mobile pay payments (plus an administration fee) are accepted unless you are an international client and paying from outside Denmark, where bank transfer payment is possible. Payment takes place in or before each session.

Cancellation less than 48 hours prior to your consultation results in a fee equal to your consultation.

These conditions are confirmed and accepted at the time of booking.

VAT –40812822


IBAN – DK3830000012986440

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